Giants fuckin suck

I know what your saying… but he was basically saying cowboys fans are just bad people :lol which is just such and outrageous claim

Yeah they make personal accusations and stereotype and get all defensive when they get attacked right back.

Uneducated, self-centered, mainstream, unexperienced input isn’t something I take to heart.

No offense…

I personally just hate the giants because I was tortured the year I lived down in the city for being a seahawks fan and of course what happens, Eli manning decides to play a little harder and they win the superbowl.

None taken, I’ve had plenty of experience with a GTO so you’re not talking about me.

I think any realistic fan can be honest and say that “Dallas sucks” is just a term to indicate they don’t like them. I have said they are very talented for many years even when they choked against Giants in the 2nd round. It’s a VERY common trend that Dallas Failboy fans can never give credit back to any team. :ponder

Are you really that sensitive? :lol

Not at all. I’ve seen some ridiculous Giants/Yankees/etc (maybe it’s a NY thing) fans? However, the common trend seems to point to Dallas.

Not trying to be a dick, but can you clarify that post

NYC is much different than upstate. If NY Yankees don’t win the WS each year, it’s like a failure. I’ve witnessed a NYPD cop go after a Red Sux fan at a game with fist blazing. I’ve seen crazy shit at Giants games too where over-the-top fans just take it too far. I think a lot of it is that NY’ers demand excellence or to be the best.

Similiar to Dallas fans who can’t seem to be find positives in the other teams. Sure, they say Eagles/Giants/etc. suck. That’s just what any fan says but to give no credit is ridiculous. I know a lot of Dallas fans and most of them have a lot of common trends in how they view the game.

I agree, but I still don’t believe you can just stereotype all fans.

You can’t. But, stereotypes exist for a reason.


Im right here, so calm yourself down. Dont wanna get all excited about making it past the first round of the playoffs.

Yesterday, the Eagles flat out sucked. No excuse for it. The Cowboys wanted it more than the Eagles did. Simple as that, end of story. Im not afraid to say my team flat out just didnt show up to play. I dont make excuses, sorry.

This Sat, is going to be a different story. I’ll be damned if the Eagles lose twice to the same team, within one week. I just dont see it happening. The Eagles are too smart of a team for that. We’ll just have to see come Sat night. Thats why they play the game.

Fuck football

Smart enough to lose twice already. To a much better prepared and better playing Dallas team this time around. Dont get all loud. :rofl I’d be a bit more concerned about the Cowboys then the Giants currently. They got wrecked last game.

Reading > You.

Twice WITHIN the SAME week…not within the same season. And who’s getting loud? Nowhere in my post did I get “loud”.

See, Im actually being civil about it, and here you go, making an ass out of yourself… Just shows your mentality…

We will see next week I like dallas chances the way they are playing right now

Thats why they play the game…

How about them Eagles. Looks like they needed more time to re-group from the prior week.

Apparently. Congrats on the win, and good luck in the playoffs. Because your gonna need it. I’ll be rootin for Minnesota next week. :lol

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