Giants fuckin suck

I know football quite well. Enjoy your early off-season. I doubt they will be much better next year they have a LOT of work to do

No you don’t. They have nearly the same staff won the Super Bowl in 07 and dominated the conference in 08. Also, outplayed Dallas for many years.

No worries about the Giants. Concentrate on winning a playoff game. I can’t even remember the last time they won one of those. :lol:

BTW, Homo just threw an interception. :ohnoes

You talk a lot. At least Dallas has something to play for and is going to play in the playoffs. You have no ground stand on this year your team has looked more and more pathetic every game the last several games

Dallas always seem to have a lot to play for but never seems to accomplish anything. Sorry if that hurts your feelings but they have been epic fail in Dec/Jan since I hit puberty a long time ago.

Yes, we can all agree that Giants have a lost year. I think it’s ignorant to assume a team with as much success as the Giants over the last 3-5 years are “over”. But, this is you we are talking about.

Congrats on making the playoffs but Dallas needs to win a game still.

The majority of Dallas fans will always be white trash in my mind, but then again I have highly personal reasons behind that which extend well beyond this forum.

Dallas fanbois/girls never seem to have anything educated/sensable to say about any other team, instead they nitpick opposing teams when they make obvious mistakes and then leave out the mistakes made by their team in a sort of attempt to make themselves look better than the rest.

I have yet to find a Gaints fan that disagrees with you. Most Giants fans worry about Philly over Dallas too. Interesting common trends.

I have zero problems with any other team in the NFL. I depise the Giants, Colts, Eagles and Patriots in that order. The other teams are cool with me. Nice to see progress in Miami.

From what I have seen, and I’m not talking about anyone on here, but here’s what i have noticed:

Dallas Fans: All about ME. ME ME ME, MY TEAM, MY THOUGHTS, MY WAY. They take no consideration on input from anyone and believe what everyone else tells them to be the truth.

Giants fans: Look at the big picture. Sure, we heavily support our team but we also aren’t self-centered and can admit mistakes and accept defeat. We also don’t whine and complain about every little mistake that our team makes, instead we act like educated adults and think about what needs to happen next.

Shawn doesnt fit in that category. When he though the Giants were the shit at 5-0 he went and made a Failboys thread not know about the soon to be 4 loss fail. That was very well educated adult activity

For the record, I am hoping that The Jets make the playoffs.

If I remember correctly, the “NYG Suck” thread was created first

Not sure why you hate the Colts aside from resting starters (should be penalized as that kills the sport). Classy team and Payton is a standup guy.

Eagles - I can’t stand them because how Donovan picked up the Giants phone on the sideline last year (and I used to love this guy at SU). I also can’t stand that new cocky mother fucker receiver.

Patriots - I can’t fucking stand. Cheating mother fuckers.

But, still the common trend is that Dallas is either loved or hated. It isn’t because they win games either. But, to be fair, I do like a lot of players: Austin, LOOOOOVE Witten, etc. but can’t stand POSs like R Williams (WASTE), JJ, PacMan, and all the other coke head felons.

WTF are you talking about? I am VERY critical of the Giants. I can easily do pros/cons of each player. I PLAYED the sport for many years. I was a full scholarship athlete too champ. I don’t want to brag but I do hope to coach HS someday. :lol:

I even like several members of Dallas Failboys. It’s FUNNY that you would even think that because most Failboys fans are the most self centered people I have ever met. Major fanboism at the finest. Don’t confuse being a fan of your team with being a fanboi. Also, I still know some that say R Williams contributes!#$%$

They WERE the shit at 5-0. They were playing fantastic. I’ll make another failboys thread right now. I’d expect the same from a Failboys fan. It’s like Yankees/Red Sux.

I played football as well for 3 years. For some reason I dont see you as the athletic type.

HS? I assume? That’s like the No Child Left Behind program.

Well, I am not surprised because, like we said, you don’t seem to have a clue. But, I lettered in 3 sports in HS and had scholarships to many programs from DI-DIII. I wish I had more speed but a 5.3 40’ and a bench of near MID 4XX should quality me as some sort of athlete.

So lets here the reasons why Dallas still sucks with what seems its going to be winning the Division title for the 20th time since 1960 (more then the Giants - 15, Eagles - 11) Eagles had nothing and no good spot excuses. Bring on the hate. Wheres that lone Eagles fan now? I’d be concerned over the cowboys more then the giants currently. Seems to be a rematch in the playoffs next week.

This is probably the most hilarious argument I’ve read in awhile

Stats dont lie.

haha after seeing Alpinskiier try to claim all giants fans as being civil unlike dallas cowboy fans, I lost it

No football fans are civil. Competition in its own right is not really civil. No one likes to lose if they say it doesn’t matter they are lying.

Reminds me of somebody who is dead set on a car and takes no input from anyone else even though they asked for it.

Got some passionate fans in here