Giants vs. Saints

Sure why not? If you can make silly remarks, so can I.

Yea, I am riled up. :slight_smile:

Let’s tear down Times Square and plop a Stadium in the middle of Manhattan. Makes sense?



I don’t recall saying the Giants are the greatest. You are confusing me with a New England fan in 2007. :slight_smile:

I have NO problem at all. It’s absurd to think that they are overrated given it’s ONE game in the 1st semester of the year. It’s absurd to make these comments given the team in which you covet where outplayed/dominated can be argued in the Super Bowl to end their perfect stretch. It’s absurd to call the QB that outplayed your Brady to be overrated when he outplayed your QB and given everything else he accomplished. All this and Patriots got beat by Buffalo. BUFFALO!