GM fuel leak

i have a fuel leak right wear the hard line from the tank meets the fuel filter. it has the typical fuel line connection there and it is rusted to all hell… my question is.

can i splice into the hard line and get a new connection?

can i rig it to the hard line then hose clamp it onto the filter?

its for a 97 grand am and its only my beater car thats why i want to do it the inexpensive way and i definately dont want to drop the tank.

napa sells repair kits

thanks brian. so i could do something like this???

and union it to this but for a GM

and that should work???

that repair kit to do the compression fitting is like 200 bucs. dont want to spend that to fix 1 fuel line.

even thoug it will eventually be 30 fuel connections because its a 12 year old GM

yup,that should do it!

can i just hose clamp it or do i have to have a compression fitting? i have a hose clamp elsewhere on it… but thats on a rubber hose not on nylon.

I’m surprised its not rotted out more under there from what I can see…

Those old L and N bodies love to rot out on the spring perches and everywhere in between.

its pretty rotted under there. mainly the pinch welds and a few of the brake/fuel lines.

just replaced a brake line a few weeks ago and fixed a hole in the exhaust… just need this fixed so i dotn have to rock the hemi everyday 40+ miles

oh so thats why its sittin in the driveway with blocks under it lol

yeah to keep it from rolling down into my truck while i am underneath it. :blue:

the blocks were atchually under it because of the exhaust leak. had to jack up 3/4 of the car to get my fat ass under it.

Exhaust leak… if it was a Honduh, you could just leave it. people pay for that sound out of a Honduh

so anyone know about fixing the nylon line? can i splice that shiznit?

I think you would be ok

some places have the tool to make new nylon line

i think i got it figured out… but i want to take it for a test drive and just as i was finishing it started to pour down… boooo

if you cant duct it fuck it