Gas line help

Alright so my buick has sprung a leak. I know where it is, i just dont know which line. Its right at the fuel filter on the passenger side infront of the rear tire.

How can i fix it temporarily?

who can fix it shopwise and how much will it cost. I have little monies.


is it a hardline or a hose?i imagine if its a hose, it wont be a big deal. If its a hardline u can prolly just chop a section of it out and put a hose on. depends what level of repair ur lookin for

Its a hardline, its metal and rusty.

I need the leak found and stopped. With gas prices as they are, i surely cannot afford to be leaking gas everywhere i go, and leaving 12 inch puddles whenever i stop.

replace the hardline.


Not that hard at all

I have no experience at all doing anything like this. Is is cheap ish by an average shop?


  1. call shops

  2. find out price

  3. is it worth it to you


  1. get tubing bender from autozone

  2. buy tubing

  3. do it up.

seriously tho, do it right. there really isn’t a cheaper or easier fix that would be safe, aside from this.

rustop from purchase FTW.