Patching a Gas Line?

Is anyone here able to help me out and patch the gas line on the 2nd car in my driveway? Its a 94 Chevy Corsica and the leak is in the rear of the drivers side before the tire. Id be more then willing to pay you to do it (within reason) and for whatever parts that it would need. Im just really starting to become sick of being nausious / living in fear of smokers , from driving the “vomit comet” to work each day. If you can help me post or pm me and ill get back to you asap. Cant afford to keep a 3rd car in the driveway/ or to get a new(er) one at the moment so with that said…Keep the drama out im really looking for serious answers here.

just weld it…

Just replace the whole line, you will end up doing it anyway.

Piece of high pressure fuel line and 2 fuel injection clamps should do the job

its not worth sinking in the money to replace the whole line,

and for the patching i honestly dont feel comfortable working on the gas lines so thats why i was hoping to find someone who could do it for me.

what J&J said. Sometimes they can be a bitch. I had one that took two clamps on each end and No2 permatex in the hose to seal the damn thing

Hot glue it.

afraid of what? its not like you are using a cut off wheel… get some tin snips, cut the rusty parts, use a screw driver or pick to open up the line you just pinched shut get some rubber fuel line and go for it with some hose clamps.

or if your a baller go spend 20 bucks on a baby tubing cutter, then double hose clamp it on each end

the worse that can happen is that you get soaked with gas, or get rust in your ear… so wear crappy clothes, ear plugs (trust me rust chip in the ear sucks) maybe some gloves and learn something.

dont fix brake lines that way… ive seen it.

gas in the eye is fucking brutal…so watch out for that too!

note: OC spray is worse in the eyes though :frowning:


gas in the eye is fucking brutal…so watch out for that too!


no shit, that sucks!!!one!1! that happened to me and i wanted to kill myself. eye protection wouldn’t hurt if you are doing this yourself. kinda sounds like you aren’t but, whatever…