GM RWD dead?

anyone else see this?

GM puts brake on rear-drive vehicles

Published April 10, 2007

General Motors has put a hold on future rear-wheel-drive vehicles.

“We’ve pushed the pause button. It’s no longer full speed ahead,” Vice Chairman Bob Lutz revealed in an interview.

Two of the most important RWD cars in the works are the Chevy Camaro sports coupe due back late in 2008 and the full-size, RWD replacement for the Chevy Impala sedan for 2009. Both are expected to be huge sellers and contribute major profits to a GM till burdened with IOUs the last few years.

“It’s too late to stop Camaro, but anything after that is questionable or on the bubble,” said Lutz, noting that also means Camaro derivatives – along with a big Impala sedan, “if we call it Impala.”

The RWD cars, you see, would be larger and heavier than front-wheel-drive cars or are high-performance models.

So it comes down to the matter of fuel economy. Or as Lutz says: “We don’t know how to get 30 percent better mileage from” RWD cars.

That 30 percent bogey arises from a proposal by the Bush administration to raise corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards by 4 percent a year so cars would have to average 34 m.p.g. by 2017, up from 27.5 m.p.g. today. On top of that, the Supreme Court ruled last week that the Environmental Protection Agency can regulate carbon dioxide expelled by cars, a gas that contributes to global warming. The EPA doesn’t do so now.

“We’ll decide on our rear-drive cars when the government decides on CO(-2) levels and CAFE regulations,” Lutz said, adding that limiting CO(-2) would increase mileage, too.

“Carbon dioxide is a natural byproduct of burning gas and directly proportional to the amount of fuel burned. If we legislate CO(-2) from cars, why not legislate we take one less breath per minute since humans release capricious amounts of CO(-2) each time they exhale?” offered a testy Lutz.

Lutz also points out that higher mileage will come at a price, with the proposal to raise CAFE certain to increase costs by as much as $5,000, which will be added to a car’s sticker, an amount most consumers won’t be willing to pay. There are no hard numbers for how much CAFE compliance adds to the sticker now.

“Rather than buy new, people would hang onto their old cars. We could eat the $5,000, but that would put us out of business.”

Besides, those who see cars as more than just an appliance are eager for the new RWD offerings.

Among other cars affected are a high-performance midsize Pontiac, a replacement for the full-size Buick Lucerne sedan, a compact smaller than the current CTS at Cadillac and possible 300-horsepower versions of the Pontiac Solstice and Saturn Sky roadsters.

“This is very disappointing,” noted Erich Merkle, director of forecasting for IRN Inc., in Grand Rapids, Mich. Most of the cars coming are necessary to GM’s turnaround as showroom magnets.

“What the public buys makes CAFE work, not what the industry builds,” Merkle added. “To improve mileage you change demand, not supply, by raising gas prices through taxes. But no politician is going to do that so they throw the responsibility on the back of the industry.”

Lutz also objects to the talk that carmakers can easily raise mileage with a very low investment.

“Academics assure us that for $200 we can get 30 percent better mileage. If anyone can figure out how to do that for $200 – or even for $1,000 – I want them in my office today. Show me how to do it and we’ll adopt it,” he said. “If I could increase mileage by 30 percent for $200, why wouldn’t I? What’s my motivation not to when a gas-electric hybrid gets 27 percent better mileage and I hope someday to get the cost down to $9,000?”

Others insist that carmakers simply have to sell more small cars, such as the trio of 1-liter concepts that promise 40 m.p.g.-plus that GM unveiled at the New York Auto Show.

“Small-car mileage only counts toward CAFE if you build them here, and you can’t build small cars here at a profit,” Lutz said, explaining that foreign-made cars would count toward the automaker’s import fleet, and its domestic fleet is where GM needs help.


rwd ftl

thats shitty :tdown: so is the G8 stil going to be made? I hope so


rwd ftl



Let me fix that for you :wink:


GM ftl




Let me fix that for you :wink:


seriously, can you take what he types with any respect

and that article seems like a load of crap about not knowing how to increase milage

um they mention the camaro, impala, solstice, sky, etc…

um, what about their beloved Corvette?

Thom, I’m purely joking around here.



Thom, I’m purely joking around here.


i’m not with half the shit he posts


um they mention the camaro, impala, solstice, sky, etc…

um, what about their beloved Corvette?


corvette already gets great gas mileage, itll be fine

:lol: An article full of GM’s whining & excuses.

total BS

Alittle late for April Fools. Sounds more like some political posturing.

Jeeves TA gets better gas mileage than his sunfire and probably half the cars on here with half the engine. Gas mileage wont stop RWD, only idiot consumers or idiot politicians can do that.

yes, this is a policitcal scare tactic nothing more… GM is pussy hurt that they spent all teh R&D money on RWD and marketing etc, and now they cant make it happen (that part is probably true) but look @ the mileage of the C6 Zo6, the thing can get damn near 30mpg highway and make 500WHP

i would expect turbos to make a comeback

anyone car can be tuned to get good gas mileage, shit i can get 30mpg out of my rotary if i really wanted to, i know of rx7 owners who have done a “gas mileage tune” for highway driving for an extended trip lol

what wheels drive the car has nothing to do with the fuel economy of a car. If that was the case then i guess subaru is going out of buisness since awd would be even worse the rwd.

Gotta love political BS

The reason we even have FWD cars is due to the mpg scare in the 70s/80s. One way for car manufacturers to pick up mpg was to eliminate some of the drivetrain.

its true.


anyone car can be tuned to get good gas mileage, shit i can get 30mpg out of my rotary if i really wanted to, i know of rx7 owners who have done a “gas mileage tune” for highway driving for an extended trip lol


cuz god knows rotaries a total gas sippers :stuck_out_tongue:



what wheels drive the car has nothing to do with the fuel economy of a car. If that was the case then i guess subaru is going out of buisness since awd would be even worse the rwd.

Gotta love political BS

