go ahead laugh its w.e

I get a kick out of the people who feel the need to floor it through the parking lots. I think i’m the only one there who drives casually.

yeah my buddy with the pickup did you see him today
he dug a fucking hole in the ground

haha, yeah those kids are nuts… I get funny looks for going 10-15 in the parking lots especially over at Wiliams. Either way… good luck with the focus, I have an 05 myself.

i dont floor it through im usually eating a hot pocket so i cant to many things to do.

Yeah, I just drive when I drive.

I drove my car there once last semester and like 12 kids came RUNNING out of the auto center yelling and telling me to burnout…:crazy

lmfao what a bunch of weisenheimers

They know I can’t spin em so no worries here

Lol ^^

hahah we did that in the begining of the year, but to old ladies and moms and one girl tried to in her saturn but hit the curb instead lololol

i dont like power braking mine cause its stick and it just feels like its destroying my car :frowning: so i just rev to 6k and dump the clutch
and it spins them for the first 3 gears lol

lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol lolololololol

I <3 powerbraking! Ask the Mach1 how she liked it lol

I powerbraked mine once and it never quite drove right after that

Wait…what? The cobalt?

i love that cobalt no homo do you know what its running now?

lol… well by powerbrake he meant burnout. I did a burnout on my old p6 all seasons I had on my 17’s and it threw the tires off balance. :lmao

Well shit, that just means ya didnt burn em enough! :lol

I cant wait to do a huge ass nitrous burnout!! :excited

i can’t wait till lebanon valley
and ill be like oh yeah im going to run 15s na and find out im running 16s hahah

There has been a silver Saleen Focus @ metro ford, since the summer. :facepalm…

Sweet Build!