

Think GPNY with somewhat older equipment and a worse track surface. It’s not dilapidated by any means, just older.

Warning, though… I’ve been there twice on a weekend where the place was total chaos. A couple of months ago, I was with 7 other friends and we waited 1.5 hours after signing in and weren’t called out on the track yet.

I asked the guy who was setting up the race order where we were in line and he just had a stack of receipts in front of him and he couldn’t tell us when we could go out.

Plus, they were still letting people in and signing people up to race. Dumb.

At this point I asked to talk to the owner. His excuse was that their system was “down” (this happened another time I was there too) but I told him how long we waited and when he checked with the guy he found out we were still at the bottom of the damn list for some reason.

It was only then that he agreed to a refund. Wasted 2 hours of our time, and all of us came from different areas just to try and hang out there too so it was a waste of a trip as well.

The other time I went, their timing system wasn’t working and I received no timed printouts of my runs. This is worth a lot to me since I like to see if I improved or not. I asked for a refund for that run but they just pointed to a sign that says “refunds not guaranteed due to equipment failure” or something…

Had a couple of good experiences there too where things went smoothly, but I just don’t like how the establishment was still signing people up to run when their system was “down” and the people buying races probably weren’t gonna see a track for like 3-4 hours (and in no organized order).

Granted, that was only one day, but it was enough to sour me out on the experience. Should have been handled a lot better.