
This is what happens when you don’t call me to go along. I’d love to feel sympathy towards you, but am suddenly incapable. :Idiots:Idiots

SoN! I thought you were Mr. Outdoor now that CVMP has shown you the light!!

Plus, how the heck am I supposed to try and keep up with you if I can’t do some cheater practice on my own BEFORE you show up and clean house!?

Seriously though, I was actually down in NJ that weekend visiting family… Will let you know next time I go somewhere, indoor or out (may not be for awhile though). It’s definitely gonna pop off in Spring, even if I have to sneak out the house once to run ya at CVMP!

Keep me posted about spring, I can’t afford to go again until then (unless we get a group of suckers to give me money… :ninja). Seriously though, contemplating buying a TAG kart in spring, depends on funds, and i need a truck.

Sell the thing we rode to CVMP in and buy the TAG and a truck.

I’m no expert on the machines, but if you have questions PM me. I am long overdue for an “Intro to Karting” article for Vlad, but start looking at this site, it’s the most comprehensive karting site in NA. They have a TAG specific section and classifieds as well:


i was also checking out the Rotax class, seems more competitive and strict on setup… isn’t that good for someone starting out?