GOD DAMMIT it is sooooooooooooooooooo colllllddddddddddddddddd

My brown skin cannot stand it anymore… mother nature show some mercy


I drove around all day with a broken heater in my car. Used my snow brush to clean the inside of my windows as i drove

I loooooove idling my car for 20 mins before I go somewhere.

i was actually drving my mom’s cressi with 7mge rwd, and i hated the 4x4s going so slow…
hehehe esp SUBARU slow as hell ticked me off !

Um Brown skin actually attracts more radiant energy from the sun than most of our “other” members on this board. So in sense we are warmer than they are. :E

this is warm here, mebbe it’s cuz i’m brown lol :partyman:

Yeah I got back from San Diego on friday night. Needless to say I was less than impressed :roll: It was a 50 degree difference


-3 for friday and in the plus’s for the week after (edmonton anyways)

Yay I can work on my car and not have the heater running the whole time! Woooo