God or no god? Your vote?


EXACTLY! The younger generation today does not even KNOW what “respect” really means. I was lucky enough to live across the pond for a while so I have perspective of a different (European) society… The differences are staggering.

Over there you would get the living shit stomped out of you for pulling some of the crap people here pull… and there would be no “lawsuits” or “waaa, Ill call the Police”… you would get fucked up and everyone would say you deserved it for being a asshole. And guess what… Last fucking time you would do that stupid thing again.

Here some jackass neighbor will get you in court for spanking you wise ass kid… just pathetic the direction this society is going.


Was your time there spent in the UK? Becuase if so, that’s not the impression I got while there. I could see out in mainland Europe there is a more general attitude of personal responsibility, but England especially is becoming more and more a nanny-state to the point of madness. No body there seems to be responsible for their own actions or overall personal welfare anymore. :sad: