Going For A Ride? Post It In Here

What game? Since when did that Russian like to watch any kind of sports

lol I don’t know if I feel comfortable disclosing his personal sport teams name on here. People tend to get aggro but he said he was going to be doing that. I’ll ride all day regardless…

I just realized that I haven’t ridden the bike in almost 2 weeks lol. I guess I’ve been so busy lately. i might be down for a ride on my next day off, this friday.

2 weeks…! MEDIC!!! also bump

yall should swing by mariaville lake and catch some of the dirt track races tomorrow. see the thread i just made here in the moto section

Watching races =/= riding…

thats why you can swing by while riding…

doesnt hurt to support the local motorcycle racers, and the area can be on the way to some good riding roads.

Touche… Anyone down to meet up at Dunkin on Lark at Noon? I’m down for whatever the mass wants.


Hey Mike text me when you’re gonna go for a ride.

Should have logged in sooner looks like I’m late :lmao

The ride today was fun. Me and Asa went out for the better portion of the day and hooliganed around Troy etc. Found some nice jumps.

Dave needs to get his permit so we can all take motards out! :ahh

Sweet! Asa, is that a dirt tire on the back? Hooligan! lol

Yeah it a cheap Shinko 705, I have a thread…http://shift518.com/showthread.php?t=31534 where I will post up wear photos and performance… So far so good, been laying it down a little (1/4" CS’s on either side) but just easing into it as they warn you need to brush em in at least a hundred miles to get the coating from the molds off. Even thinking about “evening it out” with another 150 on the front in an ode to the old Fat Cat 250’s.

Finally took the bike out for the first time since August. Forgot how good it feels.

That is all

I’m about to go for a ride. It’s too nice out to pass up

It is for me my new suit vents air like an AC system always set on cold.:lol
when it gets in the 60’s again I’ll be out.

It was a little chilly. But was still fun as hell

Long shot here… should be a beautiful day today! Anyone wanna ride?

I rode to work today. But I’m stuck here till at least 5