Going Green

http://shift518.com/%3Clink%20type=%22text/css%22%20rel=%22stylesheet%22%20href=%22http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v1/yN/r/f3nncIFGmZL.css%22%20/%3Ehttp://My new green


ill figure the pic thing out later i gotta take a huge shit right now.

:rofl Epic second thread



so you bought an FP Green… HTA or cast wheel?

I thought his shit was the green thing in question.


ok i cant put up the effin pic of the effin thing So fuck it.

you gotta host the pic first (use tinypic.com). After you host it it will give you a URL for forums, just copy/paste that into the post.




How much was this and what boost levels you plannin to run with it?

Somewhere between fuck you and blown motor.

I have to spread rep first. Sorry JD. I will get you later :lol

Thanks jd and your dead on with the power goals.

aww its so cute

Thats the point

fp 68hta green.

on an evo3 16g my friend went 11.0@128

full weight stock block, 160k mi 1g talon

Car should rip hard on this turbo.