wow…wtf are you guys bitching about?? DSM’s were made in a certain car manufacturing plant! evos ARE NOT DSM’s! the old 4g is not the same as the new one. 4b11’s arent 4g63’s annnnnd ern your car is NOT a dsm… ECLIPSE, TALON, and LASERS are DSM’s (4g63, equiped of course) they were made at the DSM plant. FWD or AWD…still a dsm. and the GVR4s technically arent dsms either bc they were made in japan land. BUT IMO the GVR4 was the original evo, bc it was made to test the drivetrain that later made its way into the EVO1. they were brought over here for two years to test the market, but americans wanted a sports car rather than a saloon. so that why we have our DSMs. got it?!
This reminds me…wasn’t there another version of the 3000gt called the FDM or something like that? It looked way sicker and was super rare. I’m not even sure it was sold on these shores but I know they exist here now.