nextel is awesome. i didnt really think it was all that great, until i started working for them. they have even better coverage than i originally thought. if you’ll be around amherst, you’ll definitely have no problem. plus direct connecting people is awesome! :tup:
get cricket if you feel like wasting your money and have no coverage anywhere
i’ll switch to gsm in a few years. but for now cdma> gsm for coverage. and i wouldnt say the coverage is near the same, even with the merger.
one of these days im gonna go around with a vzw phone and a cingular phone to different areas around wny and document the coverage.
Im sitting here with 4 bars on my cingular razr. My buddy is 5 feet from me with 1 bar/sometimes fading out on verizon. Of course we are in the “basement” of capen and this office gets terrible signal.
This trend happens in most other places we go also.
All this verizon > * talk is confusing me… :gotme:
Phone is big on how good reception is.
And it’s all about where you are and if it works for you
GSM service as good as CDMA?
HAHAHAHAHA - matt stop smoking that crack.
GSM is better yes, but the covereage is not nearly as good.
as funny as this sounds… I like my sprint more than I like my verizon phone. And I use a treo 650 for verizon.
lol what? you know its true.
But for now if you worried about coverage verizon is no dought the best. Sprint is right up there. Spring now has a plan with free incoming calls from ANY network , which is prety fucking cool. The plan starts off at 49.99.
Joe come visit me at work ill get you set up and hook you up.
nextel sux ass, all the supervisors at work have it, and I can never hear what they are saying, thats if i can even get thru to them.
im not saying anything cus i dont wanna get banned
Watch what you say, you speaking of NYS or Countrywide? I am willing to bet that GSM service from Cingular has more coverage countrywide thatn Verizon since the ATT merger.
1xEV-DO then 1xEV-DV then i think UMTS then eventually WCDMA (i think that’s the direction, i don’t know too much about it). which will be every bit as competitive as 3G GSM upgrades.
wanna talk old technology, talk iDen.
do you want coverage or do you want technology. you want coverage, probably verizon. you want technology, probably cingular. you want your asshole boss to get ahold of you whenever he wants and a massive phone, nextel.
i personally have verizon. the coverage is better than cingular’s, and obviously tmobile’s. it’s not much better than cingular’s though. with verizon losing leases on towers coming up and and them cutting back on bandwidth (from what i’ve heard) as they prepare for 1xEV-DO and all that, i think coverage could get worse. meanwhile, cingular is becoming a serious competitor. the times my verizon doesn’t work and my gf’s cingular doesn’t work are happening more and more often. i’m not going to lie, i’m considering switching to cingular myself.
quoted for truth
im telling you, no, they dont.
ask audios about nextel coverage…worst…EVER
verizon all teh way
Cingular is already rolling out UMTS…they’re a couple steps ahead, its in like 10 test markets right now.
you’re right. UMTS is a GSM upgrade. i knew it was one of the two. my bad. i haven’t kept up with this shit in so long.
I see eventually both providers being on the same technology, GSM and CDMA both moving to W-CDMA.
But anyway see which one works best where you use it.
buy a motorola e815 and run it on verizon. only way to go worth going.
must be using it somewhere out in east butt fuck ave where there is no service.