goldwing on tail of the dragon

I know its old.

this road has 318 curves in 11 miles, and its pretty notorious for crashes and such, but this guy on the gold wing fucking kills it his buddys can’t catch up.


lol is that a cruiser bike…

yep… one of the guys on here has a vid of him with his sr s14 on there

looks like fun :slight_smile:

link or it didn;t happen

where is this place?

Its in Carolina I think
there are a tons of videos of crashes (s2k, harleys, r1’s,r6’s) on youtube
deal’s gap is the most famous place for crashes

Theo did it, he posted it last year.

found it

It’s ka-t.

where is that pic from, looks nuts

oh yeah the biker competition. Stupid cops partrol that area too much. Anyways if they closed it off for a drift event or time trial that’d be sick. :slight_smile:

Anyone who hasn’t gone down to take a drive on that road…SHOULD!!!

So much fun!!

I agree.

It’s in North Carolina and it’s bike Mecca for people who ride. :slight_smile:

It’s a good place to live and die. :slight_smile: