Golfers huddle around v. help me shop for a driver

Eeek not sure but I do hit the Nike very well and its easy to keep straight. My dad who is a very good golfer is using a Taylor Made driver right now he likes a ton. You should head up to dicks or a golf store and hit a few. Feel is so important on the driver especially.

Yeah dude, you just gotta go hit some.

yeah…I am tempted to just buy the burner, since I have used it before and hit some good drives.

I am not convinced though. I think I’ll go to Dick’s sometime this week.

You should still definitely hit a few options it before you buy anything, just to make sure there’s not a different model you’d hit even better.

You won’t be able to tell much from a place like Dick’s, testing clubs indoors is useless, even if they do have a launch monitor.

Find an outdoor range with a proshop (like progolf around here) that will let you take them outside to hit them :tup:

Even then, unless they have grass tee boxes its hard to tell…

Rick Zurak golf has some name brand knock offs, and then some higher quality clubs, prices are all pretty decent, and you can try the clubs outside and hit them into the woods :tup:

Thanks Geoff, I think I found a place here that will let me do that

for the rest, I don’t live in buffalo

lol, juat? He’s hitting drivers.

yeah, for driving, it doesn’t matter

Sure it does, hitting off of those big rubber tee’s is much different than being able to adjust your own wooden tee.

I see what you’re saying, but I’ve never had a noteable problem finding a stall with my desired tee height. There’s usually extra tees floating around too.

Anyway, good luck Twom

Nice, I wish my swing was that convenient :frowning:

On a side note, can anyone recommend a steel shafted old-school hard driver? These lightweight club heads tend to yield more of a slice with my swing…


i hate you even more for making me go demo clubs

nike sumo 5900 - hit it pretty well. over 250 yards…MOSTLY straight drives

callaway big bertha diablo - hitting it far, but to the left almost every time. I thought I was just aiming wrong, but with the nike, they were going straight.

the sumo 5900 is in the lead over these 2, they did not have any burners to try out though

LOL too funny I just went and hit the burner it was great I also hit their fairway foods and liked them a ton. I am thinking of selling my irons and picking up a set or blades :frowning:

yeeah man. the burners are all pretty good

SHIT…i don’t know what to do

on a related and positive note, I hit the grass range with my callaway x-18 irons and was hitting almost 250 with a 3 iron

Heyooooo I picked up one of these while I was there.

Not too hot on callaway irons but I have been playing mizuno irons for about 8 years. I might sell these

So that i can pick up a set of these

those clubs do look nice

the callaways are good at masking my shitty golf skills. not to mention that I paid under 300 for them.

What is your swing speed like? Mine is pretty slow, I would struggle big time with steel shafts I think.

I am overthinking this decision, like whooooaaaa

^ yes, you really are :slight_smile:

New clubs won’t make you hit the ball straight, fixing your swing will make you hit it straight.

some clubs are better suited though…I can tell you right now, my new irons made a night and day difference on my swing

looks like i am getting a Nike Sumo Sasquatch 9500


I like mine I just like my Titelist better LOL the nike is deff easier to hit straight though. If thats what you want.