Attention Experienced Golfers (few questions from a rookie)

So I went to a driving range the other day, kind of skeptical of how entertaining it would be, but I gotta say. It was fun as hell. Yea I suck, and have a filthy slice, but its still fun. Couple questions to get started.

Its kind of late in the season, so I decided Id rather just buy a driver now, and piece together a set over the winter so the cost isnt a huge hit all at once. Im about 6’1’’, if that helps any make an educated guess as to what Im lookin for.

  1. Would I be better off doing that, or just buying a set now?

  2. What am I looking for in a driver or a set for that matter.

  3. Are there any big name brands for golf that are better than others? Like hockey has koho, vaughn, itech etc etc and each brand kind of has an image in my mind. Not sure what brands are good for golf equipment.

  4. And where is the cheapest place to buy a shit ton of golf balls. Are some better than others? I saw ebay has lots of 100 titleist balls for under $40. Not sure if those are any good and if thats a good price.

Budget wise I was thinkin about $150 MAX for a driver if I decide to piece a set together over winter, or like…$350 for a set now? Somethin like that. Let me know what you guys think. Any helpful input is appreciated.

I don’t even think you should use a driver for the first year of playing, so keep that in the bag at all times or just don’t even bother getting one.

User a set that you are confident with. So test them out.

Your best bet is to honestly go to a place (golf galaxy, SpringBrook) and hit the clubs before purchasing a set. Every golfer is different and each players swing speed, power, etc varies. Find clubs that suit you and go with those. The guys at Golf Galaxy on the Blvd are, for the most part pretty knowledgable and will point you in the right direction. Start with that before making a stupid purchase.

Think of the logic. You use your driver once per hole and if you are lucky 16 times at most figuring 2 par 3’s on the front and back and you are lucky to play a course you can use it on all the par 4’s

Get a hand-me-down driver and invest in a nice, comfortable putter and then irons. You obviously use your putter more than any club in your bag per round so that is where your money should be. Also, your irons are the shots you need be cofortable and do more than a shot off the tee.

As for where, check Dicks and other places with year end sales. Also ask around. I got my first few sets from people I knew. Was able to test them out and see if I can hit them.

Balls you can get almost anywhere. Stop on the side of the street and get 2 dozen used ones for $6 or something by golf courses. If you want new balls that are decent, really Top Flight and Pinnacle balls are great and cheap. When you get good around the green and need the accuracy and feel, I swear by Pro V1s

get a cheap set first, no reason to spend the big bucks until your sure you really like it.

Whats cheap for a beginner set though? Is $350 walking that line?

buy some of my clubs! you left or right handed?

I wouldn’t exactly say get a hand me down… since It probably shit anyway. There shouldn’t be soo much emphasis on driving the ball… when you should have less than 2 putts every hole, and be able to stick it on the green everytime from 100 in, then 150 in when you get better.

The driver would just put one in trouble, frustrate the golfer, when its perfectly acceptabe to hit a 5 iron off the tee for 200 yards. Starting out, you also don’t have to follow the pars, make up your own par for the hole. If you cant reach the hole in 2 strokes then play it as a par 5. Cause a 200 yard approach shot is fucking hard to get it to sit on the green.

As long as they aren’t water logged any ball is fine when you are just figuring out lies and making proper contact with the ball. Duffing the ball, skulling it are a great way to piss you off and increase your score lol.

Starting with a nice fundemental swing is great too. Don’t start learning bad habits

Being able to place the ball in the correct position to score from the tee is far more improtant than quantity of times you’ll use a particular club per round. Par 4/5 tee club selection is based on the particular hole and is definitely not always a driver, especially for longer hitters. On the other hand, you may frequently need a driver to give yourself a decent chance of a hitting the GIR.

You need to have all the tools to hit and shape the shots you need.

EBAY is the place to go for both NEW and USED clubs. Hit what you want to try at a range/store, then purchase online.

Depends who you go through for clubs. I know people who get new drivers every month or two thinking they will help their golf game and barley use them so I usually pick them up from them. Same thing with clubs.

Go to a garage sale and spend $50.
Use the other $300 for lessons.

a driving range and playing on an actual course are two completely different things. why don’t you borrow a set of clubs and have someone take you out and make sure you actually enjoy golfing. it’s probably the most humbling sport in the world.

Too many people think expensive clubs automatically mean better and will make them play better. Just find something cheap, used even and practice, practice, practice some more and… then practice some more. Once you develop a good swing it won’t matter what clubs you’re using.

Actually, that’s when it does matter.

Poor wording.

Better != lower score.

Newer clubs will help you have a lower score, but you will be no better of a player

I’ve been playing golf for about 10 years with hand me down clubs from my uncles. This past July I finally invested in my own set of Taylor Mades. I agree that you shouldn’t use a driver at first until you figure out your swing. Clubs can make a huge difference but until you figure out your own game 1st the clubs won’t matter. Learn to hit the ball straight with your irons then go from there.

Ya. Dont put a lot of weight on score. Good scores come with good playing.

I know guys at my country club who brag about how they got a $600 driver and shot a 68 on Saturday but you play them in a tournament or with them regularly, they are anywhere from a 68 to a 115.

Practice at a range getting your swing rhythm down. Work with 9 iron to a 5 iron mostly. Most of your shots are going to be from 170 and in so that is what you want to focus on and takes the strokes out of your game.

Also. PUTT PUTT PUTT! Everyone wants to go and take out theri driver and hit the ball 300 yds but your strokes you get are on the green for beginners. For every ball you hit off the tee, go take 2 putts. Its all feel and that is how you knock off strokes.

To some degree yes this is true. I’ve been golfing for nearly 20 years and never owned name brand driver or woods. I also can still hit them just as well if not better than most other people I play with who have high end stuff.

Irons on the other hand, once you develop a good swing you can see the difference more I think. I play generic Maltby (Golf Works) woods, yet have Tommy Armor irons.

LOL not if you are putting it into the trees! then its a 20 - 80 yard punch and a 200 + lol