gombos' 1991 eagle talon

door panels are gonna be sick, oughta paint em gold cuz now you’re baaaaallllliiiinnnnnnnnn hahaha yuengling this weekend?

nice! you should pm me and fill me in on your car my fellow dsm’r

haha either that r some george killians depends on what manor house is sellin this weekend but either way i’m having a bonfire your more than welcome to come as usual… spoolinsteve let me know what you wanna know about my car i have no secrets my car isn’t anything special i’m just trying to keep it as clean as possible.

with regards to paint and primer and even engine assembly i’m by far not even close to a professional body man(i have gone to school for the mechanical part of things) but i would rather do it myself and it be 90% of what a professional could do than have someone else do it. I take pride in doing as much as possible myself. i mean what are you learning by having someone else do the work? i enjoy fabricating and learning more and more with every build. when i get to the tuning aspect of things (i plan on using an aem ems) i’m going to have a friend of mine (dan s. who has the second fastest galant vr4 without nitrous i believe) tune my car. he said he would show me what to look for as far as fine tuning the aem an i plan on learning from there how to tune. the way i see it every build is a learning experience and i want to eventually get to the point curt brown and shep are at having the fastest stock apearing cars out there. even though i’m sure that will take years considering the knowlege they have with the amounts of build they have been through.

Comin along.

ya slowly but surely i don’t have much of an income being in school but i’m trying to do as much as possible. it was nice meeting you in person at the shootout kurt i plan on staying at the best western next year for sure i think i saw lazylazer there too but i couldn’t jput a name to the face. sry guys

I think we’re all going to camp next year :stuck_out_tongue:

havent gotten too much done with the talon but i got some of it painted heres a few pics since i haven’t updated this in a few months.


sorry for the low quality cell phone pics. i should finish up the other quarter and jambs soon but i still have doors, fenders, and a few small pieces to paint then i’ll probably start to wire up the car.

great color


buy all my dsm garbage.

I’ll get my ass over to help wiring if you help tiggin

does anyone have a 23 spline t-case in good working condition?

no go away and lets make door panels

haha get some aluminum and we’ll do it

I havent updated this in a while mostly due to getting nothing done, but i’m making some progess on the wiring. Engine harness is 95% complete and the chassis harness is routed. Picking up an AEM on the 7th. I’ll throw some pics up when I get home or this weekend. I did get something done on the 2g though. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs200.snc4/38325_446405968139_585613139_6002621_6246830_n.jpg