Gonad Hates Burger King....

The proof is in the POUTINE!!!


Sorry I couldn’t resist, I just had to LOL! :smiley:

Lol that thread went way off topic way to fast

lol, i know. but very entertaining none the less

lol such a hater…

bk burgers used to taste like paper in the 90’s. then i had one a while ago and they tasted like meat. wtf happened, i wanted a damn paper burger.

If you want a paper burger try McDonalds burgers…they are about as thick as paper!..maybe a little less?

Lol, This is just going to get locked too. Funny >:D

I like cheese.

I love poutine. Look forward to this everytime after I’m done eating…


Naw, naw…you have it all wrong. It’s I love teen-poon.:wink:

I wonder if Zets sells poutine…hrm…

lol yea poutine definatly aint good for you and how can you like Burger King? Eat there at like 2pm and than tell me you dont feel like a peice of shit the rest of the day…

It’s not on the menu however if you go at night ask for my friend Nick, he will make it for you!

…Damn it Gautum why did you have to say Zet’s?..Fuck man now I’m craving a nice 18oz New york Steak dinner from Zet’s! …and I’m on the other side of the world for fuck sake!

Hey G …UPS me some food from Zet’s bro!