good, cheap paint job

i know “good” and “cheap” don’t go together when talking about paint work, but I’m fairly skint and I want to get the Prizm painted. Anyone on here work at a paint shop or do paint work on the side? I can supply the paint (I get a prety good deal at a parts store where I used to work).

earl schieb or macco can be good if you do your own prep. Even if not, they spray the car you can always wet sand and buff the bitch to look pretty decent. The guys whole stole my car got it painted at Earl Schieb and it looked gorgeous…for candy paint.

it’s all about the prep as cutty said.

Takr it anywhere to get it sprayed, but spend a lot of enengy on the prep. I’m learning that right now with my rust bucket of a truck. :slight_smile:

depending on how thrifty you are, get a couple of cans of whatever you want from autozone… anything can look decent with time… spray cans are only about 2.75 a bottle

it’s not like he is painting a ferrari or something, a brush would get the job done on a prizm :D:D:D

roller > brush

i know i kid thats good and cheap

his # is 412 969 0133

name is gabe
he is open 24/7

if u want a 400 dolla paint job he will give u one
if u want a 1500 dolla one thats what u get…

i painted my old bronco that way … it looked good even better with mud and an 8 point buck on it