yeah so i’m trying to find someone that can paint my car. I haven’t sprayed anything in over 2 years and i just want this to be as close to perfect as possible. the body work is all done and everything will be torn apart. it’s just a matter of cleaning ,masking and spraying.
red on the car and then some trim pieces to be sprayed black. i’ll supply all the paint and such.
anyone know of a good place that will do it for cheap? or someone that does it on the side that can help?
you know what i mean. i know it’s not going to be perfect. but it’ll be alot better if someone does it that has been painting instead of me doing who hasn’t in a few years.
I can do it for you but I guarantee you I would have to “Re-prep” the car. Not that I don’t trust your handy work but it is never as easy as clean, mask, and spray. Also, I would rather get the materials so I can be sure I’m using good stuff. I can’t tell you I will be the cheapest but I can tell you that you will like it.
You said it is not going to be perfect. I disagree.