painting my s13

looking into getting my s13 painted. as i am a student i have a very tight budget i have to stay within. the only place that i have thought of and read about to do a paint job cheaply is macco. now my question is, is a macco paint job actually that bad? what can i expect from them?
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

I would suggest staying away from macco at ALL costs. I have never heard or seen anything come out of there that would be considered close to good.

What is your reason for wanting to paint? There are some old school shops still around that do a good job for a good price, but they are hard to come by.

a paint job is as good as the prep work… maaco sprays on to what you give them.

if you want it prepped properly that isnt included in whatever the special price is that they give you.

one thing that I cant believe is never suggested in all of these paint question threads is to go to the shop and take a look at the vehicles that theyve just painted.

maybe a $600 crappy spray job is just for you. I know people who think spraybomb jobs done on a hot day in the sun look good, yet I wasnt happy with the near perfect mirror smooth and expensive paint job that was on one of my old cars. all preference

Good paint aint cheap, Cheap paint aint good homie.

Like bing said, prep,prep,prep.

my reason for wanting to paint is because its a mustard yellow… not very nice to look at. but thank you guys for the positive feedback, i am talking to someone locally now and im gonna see what they can do

honestly i painted my coupe with silvia front end flat black…it cost me one newspaper, seven cans of flat black tremclad, and a 12 pack, i liked the way is looked and if anything chipped off i kept an extra can in the glove box…if your on a tight budget u cant go wrong for 40$

Please don’t flat black your car.

First off, it looks like crap.
Second… cops love flat black cars.