good day gone bad, or from 100k car to wrecked honda...

hit the deer-- takes out front -right clip including hood, rad support, headlight, bumper, grille. windshield and air bags pop… rad should be ok, condensor is dead…

swerve car trying to miss said deer-- take out drivers side-- including the “straight” fender that deer impact didnt kill, both driver side doors, including the door mirror. and the 1/4 panel from hitting a pole in your swerve. i’m sure the rear cover is wrecked too…

so basically it sounds like the only thing straight on the car is passengers doors/ 1/4 panel and trunk lid.

oh, it is a benz, not a bmw–

You can buy a gun now and don’t need to drive spensive car to kills deers :stuck_out_tongue:

Glad you are OK, not much luck with the Honda’s huh :frowning: ???

damn thats sucks sailor…g/l

damn man, you seem to have no luck when it comes to your beater hondas eh.

At least you get to work on cool cars.

Good thing is was just a honda