good day gone bad, or from 100k car to wrecked honda...

well, today started off as a bad ass day.

aside form my normal job, i have been working at a shop in pgh that specializes in porsches, but does alot of german and high end car work too. beleive it or not, 90% of the cars i see are modified or road raced or upgraded to some extent. all porsches are done up one way or another (ruf turbo cars to n/a 911’s), and even the lowly vw’s or audi’s i get to work on are a rarity in that they are clean not abused cars and not a cluster fuck. as the owner of the shop has had a follwoing of customers who have followed him from his other places of employment and now solely bring their cars to him now that he has his own shop-- so he still gets old rabbit/cabriolet work and audi 4k/5k/ 80q/90q work.

today i fucked w/ a cooper s that still had the charger, but also had a garret t28 on it (twin charged). then pulled a vw tranny and rebuilt it-- which is nothing exotic because it was in a cabriolet. however, i seen oem shit under the hood of this car i have never seen before, and i have owned countless cabriolets-- so that was cool. Also played w/ a older 911 carb car that needed the carbs rejetted.

but the highlight of the day was seeing a noble m400. this car is simply bad ass! i got camera phone pics, but dont have a fucking clue on how to get them to computer, and i cant email them to myself… so im beat there. this is the car

i simply love it. manual heat vents, no bullshit interior, and a nice suspesnion that is stll streetable ride quality wise and a twin turbo ford 6 banger mated to a getrag tranny and quaife lsd!. everything i allways wanted in a car (well, except the ford part and the 100k price tag).

this all went to shit on my way home.

51 south, right past 88 intesection but before the sunocco (sunucco would be on left taking 51 south) a buck decides he wants to cross traffic. im in my beater rally honda-- which i finally sunk money into and got inspected and windshield exhaust fixed. needless to say the cocksucker blows into my right front, taking out the fender and parking light. then it proceeds to kill my windshield. like im talking cave it in to where i think it is going to fall in my lap on the way home.

i did have half the rack stuck in my car, i count 4 points on it. the end is broke off, so may have had a 5th spike. if i had a bat, i would have clubbed the fucker to death w/ all of traffic watching as it tried to crawl accross 51 w/ it’s rear legs snapped off.

and thats my day.

moral of story— i need to get rich so i can buy bad ass cars and carry a gun to kill deer.

Sucks to hear, do you work at the exoticar of pittsburgh place?

Sorry to hear that. Starting to see squished deer all over the place.


the day I hit a deer or one hits me is when i kill it and either strap it to the hood or drag it home. I will enjoy eating it

That always sucks to hear.

the rut is here

The cooper wasn’t Grey was it? If it wasn’t then that makes two of those in the area haha. And yea Nobles are badass, even if there is a Ford pushing them I don’t think that would stop me. If its a true US spec version, check out the Hyundai Sonota taillights on them :hahano:[1].jpg

That sucks about the deer though. I passed near a buck tonight in the civic, not something I care to slam into.

I know how you felt,
when a deer flung itself into my car… I jumped out of the car before it even stoped rolling because I wanted to smash the deers face with my bear hands, lucky for him he ran away before I could get him.

I would describe the feeling as absolute rage.

did you mark your fender? you have the worst luck with deer.

damn that blows

that sucks.

Sorry to hear…

When you get rich, A nice Hummer H1 with armor or better yet, a Turbo Cayenne with a big ass grille guard :bigthumb:

The deer won’t know what hit them.

500hp SUV with top speed of 171

LMFAO!~ I saw the deer on the side of the road with it’s left antler missing, it was a 6-8 point. Sorry to hear sailor

sorry to hear about the deer, that sucks!

i hate deer lost three cars to them already

yeah, this week has sucked balls deer wise. girl im dating just bought an 08 e63 amg benz-- talking less than 2 weeks ago… it got totaled wednesday when she hit a deer. but insurance is fucking her around because they basically dont wanna pay out 88k.

then me, i finally spend money on the beater car, and it gets hit.

yamaha-- no, petes european technique.

it is in sewickly/cory (stoops ferry road). he is a super good wrench, meticulous in everything he does. check out his website, it explains his creds. guy is just a good wrench. probably because he is an entusiast as well as a wrench, so work to him is fun. i mean he races cars, is all about doing swaps, etc. he has been a wrench for a while, and has quite a loyal following of customers allready. he worked at very respected shops around pgh before starting his own place. hasnt even been open long, and place is packed w/ cars.

i like going down on weekends and helping out however i can because i learn so much. i dont care if i ever get to drive any of the cars as long as i can keep learnig.


must be nice

tell me about it. her front brakes cost more than my honda…

oddly enough,she hit another fucking deer today.

wOw sailor! Bad week for you…sorry to hear. One question though…how did one deer do enough damage to a brand new BMW to total it? I gotta see pics of said girl and carnage.