Good dentist in Ken-Ton area?

OK so now that I have decent health insurance it’s time to find a dentist. I went to Aspen Dental. That place is more money making scam than health care provider. $65 bucks for an extra throat cancer test when I have no risk factors and am 24? Nope. $30 bucks for a fluoride treatment when I could go buy an entire bottle of Phos-Flur for $10, AND I’m not a child so my teeth aren’t developing so I don’t need extra fluoride treatments? Nope. 2 separate appointments for an exam and a cleaning so they can bill my insurance twice? Nope. Not going back there.

The site nurse recommended Dr. Mark Danziger. I called the office, they seemed much better, but oops not on my provider list. Dammit.

So who goes to a dentist on Ken-Ton-Amherst? If you don’t mind dropping their name I’d appreciate it. Thanks!

I went to Aspen a long time ago. They sucked. I would never recommend them. Total bs, upsells, etc…

I go to Dr Jack Fuerstein on Sheridan Drive near the NOCO on Parker (I think). Real nice there, don’t kill your gums, and do a great job. :slight_smile:

Feuerstein Jack H


2566 Sheridan Dr

Tonawanda, NY 14150

Marty Nowak …

Kazmierczak & Nowak DDS … they are on Delaware rd and thorncliff … just past sheridan …

Here is the number 877-5566 … great guy … he’s not in buissness to use your insurence card as a personal platinum card …

if they are on your list … PM me and ill give you reference names …

he also has evening hours which is great

I think its called Amherst Family Dentistry
Dr. Rice & Dr. Wendling
6471 Transit Rd.
East Amherst

p.s. I work in dentistry

Try this guy…

^ omg gross!!!

It’s hard to find a good dentist. I finally just found one i like going to last week or something. The one before f’ed me. Not literally.

That looks like a scene from Dr. Giggles.

I go to Elite dental on Main just past the 90 overpass. I HATE the dentist, but they are really good there.

I’m also in the same boat, now have health insurance and need to hit up a dentist for regular visits, etc.

But I also pulled something in my back last night, so not quite sure what it was

I gotta have all 4 of my wisom teeth out. The one was getting really annoying and putting alot of pressure on the gums so I just gut the gums away with my knife. Felt a ton better lol. I just rinsed with peroxide and stuff alot to disinfect it.

dr. joseph rutecki … he is a family friend… we go to him very good at what he does… he is in the key bank building or dent tower or whatever it is called now over on sheridan and harlem