Good free Anti virus downloads

Any body know of any good ones?? I am pimping a new laptop and it needs some protection form all this computer VD going around. Any tips gusy?

I have used Norton Corporate Edition for about 5 years now and have never got a virus.

I downloaded it from Kazaa originally but I am sure you can find it on torrents


I’ve been using it at home for a while now and it hasn’t missed an email virus yet. 100% free, and a WAY smaller footprint than any of the norton crap.

I use trend micros new antivirus… much less annoying than any of the other software, leaves a small footprint, and has been ranked and reviewed very highly.

you get get it pretty cheap on


Thanx guys! :slight_smile:

deffinitly AVG :tup:

caught 2 virii on my old comp that norton never found (norton licence ran out and switched to AVG)

I found out about AVG on some “top 100 free software picks” list. Can’t even remember where I saw it now. I started off with it just on my old laptop and liked it so much I uninstalled Norton and put AVG on all my computers.

norton is bloatware