good noise cancelling earphones

I am looking for a pair of earphones that really block out external noise. I can’t use closed headphones as I wear a big helmet. I don’t want to spend big $ because it’s for work. Any suggestions?

Closed ear headphones. Sennheiser is a very good brand.

bose or shure, i own both. the over ear bose and in ear shure model215 are amazing at blocking noise. would recommend either.

These are for work so I don’t want to spend big $. I am more concerned about them blocking noise then sounding good. Also, I can’t use closed headphones I wear a full helmet.

Well blocking noise is going to be limited with earbuds, but these seem to be pretty nice.

I own their gaming headset (which I got at half thier price on eBay) and it is remarkable. I haven’t had any experience with Bose but they do make nice stuff. Shure is also a very good brand as stated above.