Good Headphones for around $75-$100

Im basically looking for the best pair of headphones i can get for $75 to $100. I will basically use them for my ipod on trips and computer gaming. Since i wont be running with them or anything i dont need to have them small, i want the ones that cover the whole ear. I dont need a microphone like i see on many gaming headsets. Any recommendations are appreciated

Grados SR60s or SR80s.

I have the sr60’s and I completely disagree with him buying them for his purpose. Believe me they are great headphones. They just let far too much noise come in from the outside, and going on trips they bleed out a lot of noise.

Seal/closed headphones (I can’t make any suggestions I don’t know enough about them)

sure se110 (the replacement for the E4c’s)

edit: didn’t read you wanted a full ear phone

Does anyone know anything about the company Sennheiser?
Or more specifically these Sennheiser HD 280 Pro?
here’s a link Hd280

I have read alot of reviews on the grados and they seem to be amazing head phones. I would like the best sounding head phones for long trips. And when i said i want ones that cover the whole ear, i just thought it would give a better sound, but from what im reading, open air headphones (grados) are rated among the highest. Are these headphones loud to people i will be sitting next too? like on a plane? and since these are open air headphones, does that mean i will hear alot of ambient noise going on around me?

Yes. Yes. and Yes.

Great headphones… but again… noise from outside… will leak in and noise will leak out

Lol thanks but do u know anything about the Sennheiser headphones?

Sorry, I really don’t know much about headphones. I’m just going off experience of owning grado’s.

SennHeiser’s are designed to be run through a reciever,

They have a very high impedence and will be very quiet running on a lappy or any low output device.

Sony makes a halfway decent set for about $50 bucks.

The Bose ones at Best Buy sound pretty good you can test em out in the store.

I’d try really hard to get a set of Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro (80 ohm). I picked up my set for ~$140 I think. I’ve had 3 sets now and they’re just fantastic. 1/8" jack, easy to drive, killer sound quality, LOTS of bass, extremely comfy for long periods of time and very good noise isolation.

If you’re going to be using them with an iPod, don’t get over-ear headphones. The drivers are too large and require too much power. You need in-ears and I don’t mean that bullshit that comes with the iPod either. You need ones that fit inside your ear canal like ear plugs. They require almost no power to drive, they are just as loud(to you) and at full blast, people right next to you won’t even know you have them on.

I have some Sonys but the upper end is way too harsh and there is absolutely NO low frequency resonse.

I also have two types of Koss, one is white with black foam plugs. Incredible bass but lacks a bit at the very top end. I don’t mind this at all since I put everything on my iPod at 128kbps so it hides the distortion.

The second set I have is black with rubber plugs. They have colored ends that come in blue, green and pink. These are the best ones, very flat all across but I opt for my white ones if I’m listening to ‘techno’

Koss are cheap but they are still the best sounding headphone I’ve heard to date.

i was going to say the same until i saw the full ear phone

Not so sure you should be giving high end headphone advice. :lol:

The Beyers can be driven by an iPod no problem. The Sennheiser HD280s were pushing it, but still not too bad. I’ve had EXTENSIVE experience with both.

$100 is high end?

Well anyways oh wise one, how are they? ‘EXTENSIVE experience with them’ doesn’t describe how they sound.

my dad has both of the bose quiet comfort headphones. i am very impressed with both sets. i think they were a tad pricey

Well 128kbs is sure as hell not high end. :cjerk:

I’ve turned over thousands of dollars in headphone equipment.

I already described the Beyers here and I’m not recommending the HD280 because I wasn’t a big fan and they require a 1/4" to 1/8" adapter which completely sucks for running off of an iPod or laptop source.

you missed the fact that he also recommended Koss headphones

Yeah, well…

Actually the Koss KSC-75 are my beater phones. I keep a set in my bag because they cost ~$15, don’t break easily, are tiny and sound acceptable. The drivers aren’t bad, they’re just cheap otherwise.