
im done with school, so theres no one around to piss off with gunfire and screaming anymore. im looking to pick up a decent set for games and stuff. anyone have these? http://www.xoxide.com/za51suulgahe.html

i’d like to keep it under $75, anything i should look at?


i am interested in this too… bump… ive seen some in the ear ones cost 170 bucks what is so great about them? and also… the ones you posted seem to require 3 different inputs how would that work with an ipod?

I’ve been using Plantronics Audio 90’s for years now, cheap comfortable and get the job done

Sony Professional MDR-7506 proally around $100 but the best headphones IMO you can buy.

They are basically the industry standard for professional audio guys.

i have some mdr-501’s right now, they are great for music. the padding is starting to wear away, and i was looking for something a bit better for gaming. the 3D capabilities of the zalman’s really stick out, its looking like im gonna pick up a set.

Not true.

The Sony’s are great but Sennheiser is way better from what I hear.

i’m a big fan of ambient noise killers … like the enmoyetec’s ER6i’s

well ive been out of the biz for a bit, they are a good deal

and I believe my opinion is still true, lemme check… yup, still how i feel