good PC driving sims?

anyone know of any good driving/racing sims for the PC? Something along the lines of a grand turismo clone?

I played “racer” before, but I didnt like the ease of use though… not very good unless you read up on it a bunch first (great physics engine though)


I hear Live for Speed is great…

Don’t know if Richard Burns Rally is available for PC, I really want to get that one at some point.

It’s a mod based on “NASCAR Racing 2003 Season” by Papyrus. It’s the last of the NASCAR Racing series by this company and is by far the best, most playable, and yet most realistic one yet.

The mod is made by the guys at The U.S. Pits. It’s cars they created that are essentially Trans Am-esque cars with what seems to be about 600 hp and ~2700 lb. curb weights. In other words, these cars scoot and grip. I see that these guys have been around for awhile, but they’re new to me. (And searches here came up empty)

The best part of this game/mod is the true playability of it. It’s really easy to get in and get the hang of things. Yet, it’s exceptionally realistic. Even the sounds remind me of real Trans Am cars. Just “get in”, pretend you’re getting into a real car, and drive accordingly. It’s really that impressive. And did I mention that the graphics are great? :slight_smile:

We played with the TPTCC cars and info/pics/downloads are available right here. My buddy and I have been racing together at Watkins Glen and Road Atlanta mostly. Real wheel-to-wheel (simulated) racing in close quarters makes for a ton of fun and we’d really like to get some more “serious” sim players to join us. IOW, we avoid “crash 'em up derbies” as much as we can. :smiley:

This is pretty much how the cars look in the game:

NASCAR Racing 2003 Season is available in the bargain bins at most stores (<$10), but if they’re out (not surprising given the age of the game), it’s readily available online at Amazon, ebay, etc… And the mods are free-ninety-free! :slight_smile:

Wow, I hadn’t heard of this game…it is available for the PC right now but xbox is still TBD. game looks fuckin pimp. Has anyone played this and is it as real as say Collin Mcrally 2005?

Uh sorry you’re all wrong

The best one would be Toca Race Driver 3, released last week. Fallowing its earlyer Toca 2 it should be the best hands down

Toca is good but its arcade like and not well rounded

RX3 what do you use to drive?

RX3, your link sucks

It’s on the list there.

for all your driving needs

Totally forgot about Blackhole. They have some pretty good stuff for old school sims like Sports Car GT.

If you are looking for realism with mostly street cars finding a old copy of viper racing is an excellent choice. Especially with the recent updates. So far ahead of it’s time it’s not funny. Shame it only really simulated one car, but they did damn good job quite unforgiving. Also very fun to play online, though a pain in the ass.

Live for Speed is also an excellent choice. Fun to play on line, but in terms of simulation I still put viper racing above this.

As well as the last 2 games in the Papryus Nascar race series before EA crapped on sports franchaises everywhere.

From what I’ve heard, it’s so realistic that it makes most gamers run away with their tails between their legs.

And yes it is on PC, not sure if it saw a US-PC release though.