Opinion on a good PS2 Racing sim

I know the first 2 words will probably be Gran Turismo (unless you have an XBox, in which you’ll say Forza), but in the case of rear wheel drive cars, which game has the best simulation of it. Specifically for our cars (mine being a 97)

The reason I ask is because I’ve heard people say GT 4 has too much grip. I’ve heard Enthusia is an underrated but good game with solid rear wheel drive physics. I’ve heard GT 3 was better for drifting.

I ask this cause I admit I’m a bit of a racing rookie (too scared to get attention from cops) but would like to one day start taking my car to the track for fun. I wanna get the basics down before doing it in real life (I know it won’t compare to the real thing, but any practise is better than none).

Just for the record, no, I’m not one of those Fast N Furious/Uber Drifter wannabes. I’d just rather practise on a PS2 & steering wheel than doing it on the streets attracting bad attention before hitting the track.

Thank you in advanced.

Thats why people go to the track…to practice.

Don’t think that all of the “track guys” are pro star and shit.

Get out there and learn the real shittttt

I aware that not all of them are pro. That’s why I said it not replacent for the real thing. There’s just certain racing fundamentals I wanna get down before hitting the track, much like how someone would do the G1 before getting their G2/G, or study on a specific task before doing it.

Another reason is my old man has his garage packed, so I have little if any room to put some spare tires. I also invested my Michelin Hydroedges that I don’t want to ruin just for some fun on the asphalt. I’ll have to wait till I get my own place so that I can get serious.

I guess the reason I ask this too, is because before we got our cars, my pal was obsessed with GT & GT2. Ironically, he’s the best driver out of us all.

NOTE: Want to ask again that you pick a game based on the simulation aspect, not how many cars it has of how it looks. Thanks again

I like Forza…

for what you want to do I have 2 perfect games… ‘D1GP’ and ‘Kaido Battle 2’…

brush up on your japanese…

The best sim racing game ever in my opinion is the full-out, sit-in Ferrari F355 Challenge.

Has a working clutch pedal, 6 speed shifter (assuming you choose “difficult/simulator”) and you can drive alone on courses (choose “Driving”).

It has all KINDS of detail, such as pulling the clutch out too quick downshifting to 2nd gear on a turn will induce shift-lock and send you into a slide. You just CAN’T cheat in the game, it’s great that way, and quite tough at first!

It’s sound & graphics are a great touch, along with the “wrap-around” screen set-up.

Two thumbs up from me, I really love that one…just please don’t pick “paddle”-shifting or automatic… :lol:

Next to that are Gran Turismo 3 and Xbox 360’s Project Gotham, it’s really VERY good…

When I played it at Dave and Busters you could shift without even pushing down the clutch…kinda sucky. Happened on all the consoles…so I dont know maybe it’s just those ones…or maybe you just havn’t tried shifting without using the clutch? haha. But ya it’s a fun game, the paddle shifting is great too…

But as far as game consoles, GT4 is the best racing simulation game I have ever played. I love it.


When I played it at Dave and Busters you could shift without even pushing down the clutch…kinda sucky. Happened on all the consoles…so I dont know maybe it’s just those ones…or maybe you just havn’t tried shifting without using the clutch? haha. But ya it’s a fun game, the paddle shifting is great too…

But as far as game consoles, GT4 is the best racing simulation game I have ever played. I love it.[/quote]

Yeah, they should’ve been extra anal and put a metal lock/gate that only the clutch removes!

But that aside, so good!

Video games are pretty sick if u cant always make it out to the track. I played sims and then the full out unrealistic games. I raced shifter karts finished 3rd one season…got a xbox over the winter played a bit lost interest started karts back in the fall. 1/2 threw the season i got hooked on forza and burnout takedown 3 or w/e…holly sh!t…other drivers started to dislike me because i became more aggressive on the track…even my boss was askin…how do u fit the 4 foot wide kart into a 2 foot hole??? But i wasnt as consistant on wins or podium finishes. i was high up on the podium or at my trailer pulling a bent axel off the kart. all in all i finished 2nd overall. 1 place better than the previous year. Video games can be powerfull. I think if i layed off with the burnout3 takedown i could have pulled off a 1st place overall… :roll: Who knows…just keep it to the sims tho but nothings better than at the track feeling the throttle brake and clutch pedal threw your legs. a Real track in a rear car is best…if not videogames are better than nothing during the off season or if u cant get out to a track Imo.
BTW i dont play ps2 but XBOX is farr better for racing games…u have a better feel for the brake and gas with a xbox controler instead of two joysticks which is like a fighterjet or sumthin. And those wheels and pedals are worthless unless u build a custom stand with a race seat or cheap fiberglass kart seat which i used and made it as real as i could get.

Don’t listen to what anyone says, this is the BEST way you can learn the theory behind going fast. You block out fear by doing it this way and you can drive absolutly any different combinaion of techniques without any concequence (no blowing engines, burning clutches, smashing walls, destroying tires etc.) If you have the 900 degree wheel BAR NONE the best game for you is Live For Speed (www.liveforspeed.net) S2. You have to pay like 30$ for it, all you do is paypal the money and you get an activation code instantly. The physics in this game are as close to real life as i can possibly tell, I can’t spot one flaw where I know a car acts differently in real life - if anything is different it is because the car is setup different.

You will learn how front drive / rear drive / midengine rear drive / all wheel drive all act significantly different and this helps you adapt to different cars when you drive them in real life. You’ll learn about what causes understeer and oversteer, and you’ll learn whats fast and slow.

I seriously seriously reccomend this game if you really do want to improve real world skills.

GT4 is good for learning racing lines and it teaches you how dangerous tank slapping really is (however exagerated signifcantly), the cars dont act realistic while sideways at all though.

GT3 is overal just a bit too easy, the cars float around a bit too much and are not responsive enough to input as a real car, but its good to get general drifting lines down as when you’re sideways the car slides in a pretty accurate line and its pretty easy to keep a slide going compared to LFS. (simulation tires)

So i’d say, start with GT4, get really fast and experiment with late braking. You’ll find in almost any car in GT4 you can late brake like a mofo without a problem. They play LFS. This is the real thing, you’ll see how late braking will cause you to go way way way sideways if you dive in too hard, and how theres no fucking around in corners, esspecially with the Formula V8. Throttle has to come on nice and slow otherwise the things gone. Try rallying too its very realistic as well!


When I played it at Dave and Busters you could shift without even pushing down the clutch…kinda sucky. Happened on all the consoles…so I dont know maybe it’s just those ones…or maybe you just havn’t tried shifting without using the clutch? haha. But ya it’s a fun game, the paddle shifting is great too…

But as far as game consoles, GT4 is the best racing simulation game I have ever played. I love it.[/quote]

they do have em, they just break over time from assholes slamming the gears around hopelessly.

I love that game, but its not that realistic as far as physics go

I’d say GT4 for sure, all you have to do to make the car react more life like is change your tires to simulation tires, also if you get the most expensive suspension and adjust the settings drifting is very possible.

Im with sasha on this one lfs is the best by far if you want just a fun game to play dont its hard you have to drive well or you will just crash, but yeah DL it and buy a good solid computer wheel and use that.

LFS for the win.

BTW sash are you using a 900degree w/ LFS? How hard is it to make it work?

Live for speed was by far one of the most amazing racing games i ever played. not having a steering wheel and pedal took away from that a bit, but it still made me relearn driving stuff when compared to Gran Turismo.

i tried LFS at sashas house, its unreal. I couldnt believe how real it is. Im not serious enough about computers to be able to support it at my house so I stick with console gaming, GT4 is my game of choice.

But I’d say need for speed underground is the best, it will teach you to drift like little bow wow and its ultra-realistic.

If you want something a little more in depth and even more realistic, try burnout revenge.

If you have GT1 read the drifting section of the manual…it really helps…but the newer games…i like GT4 …i practice drifting there…its not real but it gives you ideas to try on the track …i love gran turismo if you dodent notice by my name and icon lmao…ive been playing since 1998…GT is what got me into import cars…now this last summer i finally boguht my 240sx ive wanted forever…i cant wait until summer to drive again:)

the 900 degree wheel is really easy to setup, if you have S1 you just set the steering multiplier to 1.0 or something like that, so that the steering is realistic, in S2 there is just a slider where you tell the game how many degrees of roation the wheel you’re using has, the max being 900 degrees :wink:

Just download the Logitech Driving Force Pro drivers i thinnk thats what its called, its the wheel with yellow on the hand grips with force feedback.

On the 900 degree wheel you hold “select” (bottom left black button) R2 (silver button just above “start” on the right) and then the “paddle” shifter button behind the wheel on the right, i cant remember what its called. this unlocks 900 degree mode automatically.

Its fucking sweet. Start with low force feedback for drifting and then slowly raise it up and you’ll see how much harder it gets throwing the car around as you please and keeping control of it when you want to bring it back to centre. Using like the LX series cars with high force feedback resistence is so so so hard haha