OFFICIAL GT4 Discussion Thread

GT4 was released today. Needless to say Ive been playing all day.

Post any comments on the game here.

My feedback is as follows:
Warning, this game may cause loss of bladder and prostate control,
especially with the addition of a GT Force Pro 900 Degree Wheel…

The wheel is amazing, the force feedback is brilliant. I love the game, it
truly is the best driving simulator ever.

You can go out and buy all this shit, yet you complain about forking out 200 dollars for a relatively private track event on the mosport full course?


The track day is 1 day, this stuff lasts alot longer than that.

So andy ol’ pal, when can we come over and try the 900 degrees of goodness

the skill and experience you would gain from that ONE track day would also last you a long time.

im just busting your balls though, i buy tons of useless shit

i cant go to the track every day… this is the next best thing

I got my copy today too!

I got mine but the bastards said “the shipment will be in from 3-4pm,” and well, now I’m at work, Jones’in.

what time were they really available? damm Electronics B. Pre-reserved

Actually I got mine from EB Games, AND i didn’t have a pre-release thingy.
I got it from the one in Heartless Towncentre (mavis/Britannia)

I bought the game, but it doesn’t seem to be working on my computer? Tells me there is no disk in drive D when I try to open it. Any feedback.

:lol: I can’t wait to play the game at friends place. GT3 was awsome.


my brother picked it up for nme today so i sit patiently waiting for 1 more hr till i can play it


you can also get this in a bit torrent, lets you play the Euro and JDM versions of the game… wonder if thiers any difference .

best buy to me - “oh no its released on tommorrow, wee bye i eat babies”

I’ve had mine for close to a month already. :oops:

Chinese edition though. Iquabob…is the steering wheel worth the 200 bones?

I find that drifting is VERY VERY hard in this one compared to GT3 as it is so much more realistic. The analog controller does not allow for minute and steady increments of counter steer or steering input in genral. It’s ALMOST all or nothing…we all know all or nothing steering in drift world means your friend…the SNAP over.

GT4 looks awesome. Sorry to hijack the thread, but XBOX rules. I have Halo 2 and xbox live, and let me tell you. I stayed up like a real cool gamer guy till 6 am last night, playing halo 2 online, like a real cool guy once again, lol. Me and 2 other guys lost about 35 games in a row. We suck. Yea so back to GT4, or do any of you guys play halo 2? Best game EVAR.

The wheel is amazing. The force feedback is great, and with 900 degrees its the most realistic thing yet.

Drifting seems to be better than GT3, but I’ve been trying to earn credits
and haven’t really tried much drifting yet.

XBOX sucks.

i’ll buy GT4 as soon as i have some time to play it… so probably in november… ahh who am i kidding, i’ll have it within 2 weeks.

ohhh i cant wait im getting mine when im working tomorrow (i work at best buy) our cost on it i belive its like 45-50 buck

I didn’t give in and buy the wheel but now i’m SERIOUSLY considering it… I have such a perfect setup at home… widescreen TV… low sitting table infront of TV…

If it’s too good I’ll be ripping a seat out of the silvia, buying some aluminum tubing and going to town to build a simulator :smiley:

It’s a TAD annoying though that a STEERING WHEEL costs more than a PlayStation 2…