GT4 fun

I dont think this is quite suitable for the motorsports section, so OT will have to do…i saw something similar to this on a different forum…anyone who cares to participate…by…lets say the end of tuesday get ur times in and we can then see who is winner and pick a new car/track…woot…and be honest fergits.

Round 1:Tokyo R246 (Normal)
nothing crazy…looking for fastest lap time - Stock 350Z…i adjusted all driving aids to 0…besides that NO modifications

the other forum had people take pictures of the screen as proof…lets just be honest

i got a 1’57.513 :frowning:

Which 350Z? The anniversary edition, the touring edition or the track edition?

THe best place for this is really in the huge nerds section, BTW.

what game are you playing…the only options are
350Z roadster, 350Z, Fairlady Z Version ST, and 350Z GT special edition…pick 350Z for 33,000 cr.

word. best power-to-weight ratio. I’ll play after Family Guy. :tup:

edit: dammit. no Family guy. I’ll play after the Carolina/Chicago game.

quick question: oil changes allowed? yes or no?

ST = Touring package, I think, I’d have to see it on the screen.
Special Edition is what I was calling the anniversary edition (the one that comes only in Black or Yellow). I think the regular 350Z in the game is a track package car (the wheels and the brakes give it away).

This shoud be done in arcade mode, BTW, because then oil changes and mileage and such don’t factor into the equation. Also, what tires? I’m assuming S3?

i oil changed and set driver aids to all 0…thats IT dont touch tires or anything

wow, I need practice. (aids set to 0,0,1)
AT w/o Oil Change: 1:59.721
AT w/ Oil Change: 1:58.146
MT w/o Oil Change: 1:59.410
MT w/ Oil Change: 1:57.958

is there a gt for the psp?

Feb supposedly, itll prob be set back tho

im bootin it up right now

so far

AT w/oil change n all aids on: 2’00.847
AT w/oil change (2,10,1)AIDS: 1’58.183

um aids are kinda gay…give it a shot with MT 0,0,0. much more challenging/fun

kcuv: 1’57.513
albinomonkeyrat: 1:57.958
articzap: 1’58.183

see u think aids are but they really help the 350z because it has horrible understeer. with AT and some more aid fine tuning i will be 1’ by tonight. mt = ghey.

yea i think brett is right this should be done in arcarde mode so that everyone is running the same exact car? i’ll give it a try in a few

1’58.340 M/T no driving aids, in arcade mode so no oil change to worry about

i know exactly where i lost time too, but i’ll give it another try later

thats part of the challenge to deal with how that car performs…(tip: car turns easier with no gas or no brake so its in a neutral stance and not having more or less weight on the front wheels, maybe thats where ur having understeer probs)
this is def a practice round…working out the bugs and stuff…next round in a day or so…ill post a new track/car…and just respond with times :tup:

drift is moire fun neways


i only had 1 Z in arcade mode, do you have to unlock the others?

with aids: 2:00.025
w/o: 1’55.970

what tires are u guys using ?