Good Radar Detector

+1 Im constantly looking around wehen im driving im never just looking ahead of me… I dont trust people at all

So… correct me if Im wrong. The concealed display for the v1 will allow me to mount the V1 up higher on the windshield so it is hidden by the rearview mirror, while the concealed display will be mounted lower on my dash? If so, then wouldnt others still be able to see wires running down from the V1 to my powerpoint?

i hardwired mine. its just under my tint strip

You should hardwire everything and route the wires in the headliner/trim ect.

Also, not sure about all cars but the tint on the top of the windshield might block some of the radar signal, therefore reducing your detectors sensitivity. I believe that’s only with tint that is metalic based. I have my 8500 mounted above my rearview mirror and aiming through the lower section of the tint and it seems to work good enough.

V1 is just above the mirror


looks like the v1 with the concealed display and carrying case will be about 470 plus shipping. The passport 9500 i have found for 450 plus shipping. Decisions decisions…

With the passport 9500, if you mounted it high on the windshield, the roof might block some GPS reception. Not 100% positive but just an idea.

Also, with the hardwire kits for the Escorts, there is a small box than can be mounted that has a mute button, power LED and Detecting LED. I’ve mounted mine below my radio so it’s within easy reach.

Oh that’s a good point I forgot about.

My tint IS metallic. Would that not allow the V1 to pick stuff up, or is that why the V1 was constantly going off on my trip to VA?

good to know

thats why mines just below the tint strip. the suction cups are on the tint, but the sensors are below it.

Plus, putting the V1 behind the mirror or to high up will not allow the rear to be scanned as well. You might get snuck up on.

It would reduce the range the detector can pick up. There are a lot of variables but in general it’s not the best place to mount it. It wouldn’t make false alarms. What band was constantly going off? Also, you can’t just throw a radar detector in the car and run with it. I found it’s best to learn how the detector acts around certain bands. Some security systems can set off X and K band. Some road work signs use K and maybe Ka. Fucking toll booths set off my laser sometimes (gay). And if a cop is way in front of you or behind you it might just detect them intermittently and you would think it’s false.

Good rule of thumb: If Ka is going off, slow the fuck down :lol It’s a very good chance it’s a cop. I almost don’t even care about K band anymore. At least not where I drive.

I had it mounted properly (mid windshield). I was talking about my tint. Would my tint have affected my ‘experience’ with the V1 regarding false alarms. It didn’t seem like my metallic tint hindered it in anyway.

The trip was a few months ago, but if I recall, I got a lot of K and X together, and a bunch of Ka alone. I got 2 lasers I believe on the entire trip. I don’t remember very well. Definitely didn’t see a lot of lasers though.

No it shouldn’t, only if the detector is directly behind it.

X is useless, I disabled x-band detection on my 8500. K is probably road signs. Ka were cops probably. Laser could be cops or false.

My old Escort 8500 was simply flawless.
if you can afford a V1, go with that. My buddy’s Integra hadone in it, we went for a spin, and it gave plenty of warning to slow down with time to spare.

Exit 25, laser every time. Scares the living hell out of me even though I know it’s coming.

V1 or Escort/Belltronics (same company). if your spending under 300 u might as well light it on fire. if you go v1 buy new from the company so u know you have a warrenty. no reason to care if cops can detect them, they are legal. arrows do make a huge difference, not just novelty, i would never go back to an escort from my v1 just for this reason.

I’m pretty much in agreement there.
I loved my Escort and it worked great, but the convenience of the arrows can’t be denied.

i may order the V1 this week once I get paid. And since Im gonna be selling my car soon, I’ll order the concealed display afterwards and hard-wire it in my next vehicle.