Radar detector question

i’m looking for something reasonable, dont wanna spend more than 200(before tax) where locally(west seneca) would i be able to find one that doesn’t suck for that kinda $

Save and get a V1.

fuck that.

i want to spend no more than 200.

I like my Cobra

BelTronics STi
Passport 8500 (maybe 9500 if you program it properly)

thats it, otherwise you really are buying a false sense of security

and tickets are significantly more costly

ahh! those are so expensive. i mean, its not like i don’t have the money. i just cant justify spending that kinda cash on a little box that beeps.

that don’t buy one in general, everything is not built the same

i might just suck it up and buy the 8500. its like 310 at best buy.

anyone know of somewhere cheaper locally?

Isnt there one in the misc items section like right now?

yeah i was gonna buy it, but jdmjunkie bought it.

Since your on a budget one of the Beltronics Vector series would work pretty well from what I’ve seen on radardetector.net and guys of lidar.

PS Don’t buy a Cobra. Cobra = crap

thanks shockwave, ive heard the same thing about cobra from friends. i’m gonna go hit up a few stores in about a half an hour to see what i can find.

basically i want long range, k, ka, and 360 degree right?

thanks everyone else that has helped so far.

Ya fuckin right i have a cobra its fuckin awesome

cobras a ticket detectors…

when it goes off…you got a ticket.

save up and buy a v1… arrows>*
ask anyone

I especially use the arrows when running redlights…

if the arrow points to the side nearing an intersection…i’ll stop…if it’s straight ahead… i’ll take a chance

you could save yourself all that money, including tickets and just not speed as much.

ebay? craigslist?


Jeezus… i know 3 cobra units that blew up, and they dont even work to begin with…

I like my beltronics vector…

You can get a good detector for $100, and the vector series ones are great…

I love mine, and its been working for a year… Ive picked up cops 2-3 miles away.
And it isnt allways fucking beeping for no reason. But, i turned the sound off anyways :wink:

Yeah it’s sweet alright :gtfo:


there is a guy on sportriders.org selling it for $300 cash, just came back from v1 too, so recent upgrades, its a steal, won’t last long.