What radar detector do you use?

This isn’t a “my detector is better than yours” discussion thread. I’m just trying to get some very rough estimates on the types of detectors people in the area use. I don’t even need to know WHY you use the one you do (although you are more than free to post that)… just looking for the type :slight_smile:

Oh, and if you responded on Roclife to this already, please don’t respond again… This doesn’t have to be an exact count by any means, but I’d like to keep the number of repeats to a minimum.

I’m using a V1.

Thanks in advance!


V1…the k band detection is amazing!!! but the Ka band detection could be a lot beter…on the thruways the thing gives me about 2 seconds before i see the trooper…where as the K band will give me at least 30 seconds before i see the cop!

Added a poll to make life simple

i use this cheap cobra thing. seems to work awesome. i pick up cops way the hell down the road if its straight enough. usually gives me a few seconds before i see the troopers if im on the highway. works fine for me


I haven’t used one in over 8 years and I haven’t gotten any tickets either.

Some generic one, works when the police actually have there radars on

same here

Whistler ebay special. I won’t spend a ton on one ever since I had one confiscated in canada.


i use my eyes…

they work 9/10 times…get a ticket about once every 3 years.

is it really worth buying a radar detector? i do thruway travel alot but it’s only a few seconds… is that enough? i know the like to come up from behind you and shit… does it get them too?

:tup: :tup:

Age plays into it :stuck_out_tongue:

On topic : I use a V1


so what you’re saying is the 360º thing doesn’t really work

I used the wrong smiley and was laughing at the phrase.

If a trooper is behind me on the thruway, he is not going to catch up to me unless he is chasing me.

V1 > *


ah i see. but say he’s getting onto the on ramp will it alert me if its a trooper. i hate how they ride in the right hand lane and can’t always see them at night.

that what i’m kinda asking