What radar detector do you use?

It’s not a Trooper Detector, it’s a Radar Detector, which means it will go off whenever it receives radio waves inside of a certain frequency. That’s it.

Some Whistler one. It works pretty good. Still got pulled over, but he caught me at a speed way lower then what I was going in the first place.

Passport , had a V1 before in last car

Thanks to everyone that’s posted so far, this is a big help :tup:

some whistler one the gf bought me for xmas… i wont buy a 400 dollar radar detector lol

V14L - it’s an investment

i got a whistler, its one of those annoying talking ones my parents got me, every time i turn on my car the shit talkts to me kinda wish that they woulda got me the one with a compass instead. BTW my shit never worked real good with that 360 stuff i have tinted windows and always wondered if that would interfer with the signal it emits.


i think the only thing that effects the singal is metal. they are waves and go through just about everything

I use the “looking far ahead and common sense” model. :wink:

V1 for life



same here i dont need no stinkin arrows

i had to drive to ohio with no radar. it fucking sucked. i like the security

i have a v1. arrows >*

ok since we are on the subject. best place to buy a V1?

cobra, works pritty good, ive run it agenst a buddy’s passport was only a moment behind. and was FREE, and no body steals it unlike his.

and i use the eyes in the DD. altho i find my self looking to that spot on the dash when i see a cop.

X2 and the range is better on the 8500… :shoot:

passport8500 good invest when i dont have my radio blasted i norm can here it