What radar detector do you use?

just get it from their website. since noone really sells them, they don’t go “cheap” anywhere. even on ebay, they go for like $20 less than new.


passport X50 BB discount is $179

yea thats the one i got the 8500

selling my passport, anyone want it?


The majority of premium tint is metallic. But anyway I use a Bel and an Escort.

I think not.

V1 > *.radar detectors

none, and i haven’t used one for a good 3 yrs now

Back it up then… 8500>V1

Good info here…

To be honest I think both compare the same…

V1 ftw. cant live without the arrows

V1. Nothing’s Better.

wow i didnt know that lase jammers were legal haha i might have to get one. thank you FDA

a buddy of mine said his brother had a jammer type radar that cost like 500 bones and it sent out false readings, like when your car went by a cop doin radar it would say like 345mph or sumthing like that so the cop has no clue whats goin on…:shrug: