Good Radar Detector

Look on eBay you can find the latest version v1 for around 300-325

will do. Thanks

is the newest version v3.872?

is no warrenty worth saving up to 100 bucks?

Good post.

DO NOT get the Escort 9500. Get the 9500ix. There’s a huge difference, like updateable, GPS, etc… Pretty much the only reason to get the 9500ix over a V1.

Good to know. Thanks

Somebody with electrical skills needs to take apart Passport 9500ix, take out the GPS chip/software and hardmount it into V1 to have the best of both worlds, arrows + GPS.

Wonder if a local electrician would be up to the challenge for a good fee.

Might as well buy both and run them side-by-side. :lol

this WOULD make a bad ass device, but idk if it will work, Vlad. You’d somehow have to modify the software in both pieces to commounicate with each other or write a whole new setup for it. Running both would be great though. I think the guys from Gumball 3000 like Torquenstein run like 3-4 detectors and jammers in their cars.

my 8500 is telling me service required now, wtf do i do???lol

buy a V1

Send it to them and they will replace the main board and upgrade the firmware.

Detectors interfier with each when they are nearby.


we’ve had similar threads on here like this before.

my .2 cents:

i personally have the beltronics pro rx65… great features, and right on par with the passport 8500/ 9500 and the v1. its almost identical to the 8500. escort/ bel are the same brand anyway.

the v1 has the arrows, but the bel/ escorts features are more user friendly imo.

i’ve had my bel for around 4 years and only had 1 laser ticket with it the whole time i’ve owned it. pretty much unavoidable no matter what anyway.

the range and all the detectors is very similar, and the price is close as well.

if anyone wants to check mine out, i’d be happy to show you. its cleanly installed with the hardwire smartcord. (mute/ volume buttons at my fingertips, with all wiring hidden.)

Another thing. Do you really need 1.1 (random number) miles of notification? A range of .2 miles less isn’t going to matter.

I think the V1 is okay due to the arrows. As far as looks, it looks like it’s an old school radar from the early 90’s. Basically, it looks like a POS.

The STi may not reach as far but it looks better, and is invisible to radar detector detectors. That’s nice.

The 9500 has GPS. That’s nice.

Both look better than the V1.

To me personally, a loss of distance isn’t a big deal since I will most likely be getting notified well before I actually see the cop with either of the big 3.

i would rather have a fugly one with more distance than a pretty one with less distance

But the distance is impressive on all of the top three. That’s my point.

function>form for me when it comes to electronics like this. its just me though. i like the fact that it looks like something from the 80s’. for cryin out loud, my zune is brown. its like an mp3 player from the 70s if they had those back then, its what it would have looked like. im a man of strange tastes.