good read: FL street racing (Rx-7 v.s Nazi Toureg)

So me and a couple buddies are chatting in the Chevron parking lot, I had my FD out, along with my friends 05 STI (stock) and my other friends 240SX (SR20DET swap, bolt ons). As we’re standing there, the 2F2F style “fleet” of cars rolls into the parking lot and parks a few spots away from us. At this point, I’m assuming they’re a team (why the hell there were two Touareg’s in the team I didn’t know… at that time). Both Touareg’s and what appeared to be the E36 M3 that supposedly is one of the fastest street legal cars in FL were completely blacked out (black paint, black wheels, extremely illegal tint, etc). I’ve heard of the M3 before several times (took out a couple of the well respected Supra’s down here) so I was interested to meet the guy… until he and his “crew” stepped out of their cars. All four of them dressed in black (corny as hell), huge ass BOLD swastikas on their shoulders, and shaved heads.

My buddy Manni with the 240SX is Puerto Rican, he looked at me and started commenting on the fine artwork on their shoulders Well one of these Vin Diesel Nazi’s heard it, walked straight passed Manni and said, “So you like that, huh?” Now, usually Manni has the last word in these types of confrontations… but these guys were f*cking jacked. While they were in the Chevron I got a closer look at their fleet. Some wierd shit to say the least… all three had windsheild banners that read “Alles fer Duetchland?” or some German shit, and each had swastika and German flag emblems. They did look pretty sick, but I wasn’t planning on giving any of those skinhead douchebags props. Manni suggested I run the M3 with my FD, but from what I’ve heard about the M3 I didn’t want any part of it. So I continued to check out the M3 (don’t really care much for Touaregs…), but all I noticed before they came back out was a huge ass FMIC.

The same dude that confronted Manni walked by again… “Do you drive that piece of shit rice burner” as he looked at MY 7. Well now my car is involved, so it’s time for me to step in. “That 488 hp RX-7 is mine.” He laughed and said “If you’re so confident how about you run one of those” and pointed at one of the Touaregs. I smiled (held in laughter) and gave him a confused look… waiting for him to take it back. Well this hardass kept staring at me so I figured what the hell, might as well put these Nazi dirtbags to shame. He suggested we put 1k on the race but I don’t care if it’s a Touareg or not I’m not putting $1,000 on a damn street race, especially with skinhead punks who most likely wouldn’t pay. After several insults were exchanged I agreed to a hundred bucks… what the hell it’s a VW SUV.

The M3 driver jumps into the passenger seat of the Touareg I was about to race (by this point I’m really thinking, why the hell would he want to haul around that 230lb guy on top of that already damn heavy SUV). 434 was almost empty (I rarely see it like this) and the VW pulls up next to me. My confidence was relatively high until I heard the slight hiss of a turbo… by the time he got next to me the damn hiss drowned out my own T-78. By now I’m thinking damn, who the hell puts a turbo in a Touareg. Even with a turbo’d V8 (however I later found that this particular Touareg that I raced was a V10 edition that is discontinued) I thougth there’s no way he can pull all that weight.

It started at about a 35-40mph roll, after some heavy break boosting he gives the three honks and we go. I drop to SECOND and immediately pull a half car length on him. I shift into third and he’s back on my front fender, then he fcking starts reeling me in. His damn BOV was louder than my obnoxious cat-less exhaust and by 4th I’m looking at that racist fcking Nazi emblem on the back of this damn Touareg. I almost lost my mind, perfect 3rd shift, 4th was a little sketchy but by then he already had a car and a half length on me. As soon as we shut down the other Touareg box’s me in between the Touareg I just raced and we take the exit. By now I’m thinking F*CK, I don’t even have a hundred bucks on me, I had $65 in my wallet but luckily Tim (STI driver) hooked me up with the rest (Manni refused to give those dirtbags any of his money). Being the dumbass I was, I didn’t pay attention to the Touareg’s at the Chevron, and I only now did I notice the FMIC and external wastegate. It took all of me not to speed off without paying these dbags… and as I got into my car the Touareg driver yelled, “If you think that’s fast wait til you see that M3 run.”

So we all head back to Manni’s and make a couple calls askin’ around if anyone knows these guys. We didn’t find out much but we did hear about these guys stirring up the FL scene… I just can’t wait for someone to run one of these fool’s and take them. I ran up some searchs on the Touareg… found out that there is a discontinued turbo V10 version (this is what I’m assuming I ran) but even so it still weighed in at 5825lbs and only put out 310 hp stock? I’m baffled, I found little to no aftermarket applications for the Touareg so he must’ve been running a completely custom turbo set-up and some other wild additions. I don’t know what he did to get that 5825lb to beat a high 11 second 488hp light-weight FD, but F*CK I wish anyone other than that prick was piloting it. ANYONE have any answers or info on these guys? I’d love to see a fellow member take one of them.

nazi dudes are badass.

they suck, but they are still pretty fucking badass…

yeah thats fucking nuts.

Man, that’s one fucked up night.

It’s rare that skinheads can make that kind of money with their kind of attitude. Probably not honest money.

lol. it’s probably nigger beating money.

DISCLAIMER: For people who don’t get it… that is called SARCASM

unfortunately, you’re probably not far from the truth.

I wanna see a vid of the turbo vin diesel V10 in action though. I was disappointed with the lack of a video.

those cars sound pretty fucking badass by description…

angry, jacked germans are fucking tough. You can’t deny that nazi propaganda and paraphanalia (sic) is pretty badass… Hitler was a tool and a total pussy, but he came acrossed as pretty badass and tough…

According to the Simpsons, nobody who speaks German could be evil. haha

God damn, that’s nuts!

^yeah, something about germans, always stubborn/angry/both

i remember reading that, seems like so long ago now!

woah, i would like to see their cars/trucks

Now that is a kill story.

That’s unbelievable stuff right there. I doubt I would have stuck around though once those guys showed up.

the kid that decided to run his mouth about the guys tatoos must have been REALLY fucking stupid. The $100 should have come out of his pocket.

Oh it gets better, you have to read all 13 pages.

I’m not sure what part of FL this happened in, but this kind of thing happens in Orlando and Miami. They really do have “teams” running around making races for a couple Gs, and these boys are FAST. My cousin has a highly modded Supra, and the crew he runs with down there do this shit all the time.

Hell, JnJ and Bad Azz have video from down there. It’s like that ALL THE TIME if you know where to look.

This particular group (Nazis) I’ve never seen, but I have heard of them. And if you go to post #110 in that thread, someone esle verified the kids story, as if the pictures the kid took weren’t enough.

Moral of the story: Don’t dyno on race gas, and then race someone on pump

My favorite quote from all that post #159


Intresting races happen everywhere but in Buffalo…

Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Miami, Orlando…

and you are surprised… just look at the types of people that are here.