Good Riddance Attention Whore

yea the muslim religion that isnt violent the one that we liberated in Iraq, the 1000s of people that stood around and cheered when Saddam’s statue was torn down in Baghdad or the ones that want freedom and all they want is to have a family and for their kids to go to school and grow up, that muslim religion. Not the ones we are there fighting. It is pointless to argue with you though becuz you will find some negative in everything.

Im delusional? No i’m telling you what I know cuz its my job asshole. I’ll explain to you why things are classified, whether it be secret, top secret, etc. Most of the time its not the information itself that is classified its the way it was obtained that is classified. We keep things a secret so that the guys that work for the CIA, those HUMINT sources dont get compromised and get killed. We keep secrets so people dont die.

Your just as radical about your ideas as the people we are fighting, you dont listen to a thing anyone from the other side has to say you just sit there and bitch and complain about this and that.