Good way to start the day v. Furnace BROKE

Is there a button on the relay that you can push in with a little screwdriver or something? If so, push it in and see if the fan starts to spin. I’m guessing it will and you’ll have either a bad relay or a control-side problem rather than a power side problem.

Did you get a tech out there yet to keep family 4 door from freezing?

If they get too cold they can always just hang out at the walmart with the springville thugs

I wouldn’t wish that on Mike. Besides, he’d buy too much shit right when our trade deficit is shrinking.

I remember when Choda’s power went out at his dad’s house and his old man rigged up his van with an extention cord and did some mcguyver shit to make the heater work lol. it was funnt shit.

Anywho, it could be a safety switch to ensure that a fire doesn’t start. I’d say start by checking all the fuses and filters on it.

My buddy does heating and air, he would hook you. Let me know if you want his number.

OH HEY all fixed…

SO did you know you have to oil your blower…lol… the dude said it looked like the blower was not oiled for years … it got so hot from spinin it locked right up

lol i think with me saying “you have to oil it” He knew I never did … lol but its fixed now

it would also explane when sometimes it would make funny sounds

Thanks Shawn its fixed

you could have used some of that lube 4doorbabe is trying to get rid of…

lol dont know if it would have cut it

It is funny that we all go out and buy generators when we already have 100+hp generators sitting in our driveways. lol.
Dodge offered an option that had an ac converter built into the truck.
Not sure if they still offer that but I thought it was sweet.

depends on what the furnace’s favorite flavor is

Penitrating was the kind it needed … like double