good wideband?

I was wondering since I am looking to get one soon and alot of you have experience using certain ones. Im trying to find something that I can either log with or log with a laptop AFR, RPM, if possible EGT and maybe boost.

Wow, you are talkign to the right person. I am selling a zeitronix wideband w/ boost and EGT sensors right now (its in my car, but if I get a buyer, its gone).

Its a good setup, and the wideband sensor itself is in great shape. Lets talk if you are interested.


best bang for buck by FAR is def. an AEM UEGO…you can download software to datalog it on a computer, or graft a cable to run it as a “analog input” into an existing dataloging software like i do so it gets an RPM and MAF/MAP reference along with it so tuning isnt such a headache

i just run the aem wideband, i like it. my cars tuned so dont need to tune it on the go just moniter my a/f

The AEM is a solid unit. For logging everything you wanted, you should talk to Mark about his Zeitronix.


i’ve got the zt-2 too, works great and has a lot of features for the price.