Eliminating a tax exemption for clothes and shoes under 110.00
means the shoes and clothes that are under 110 are tax exempt now… therefore in the future that exemption will be gone … AKA Taxing clothes and shoes under 110 …
AKA Poor people being Taxed, Not black people… they buy expensive shoes.
Gotta love NYS. Where is all of your money going, not to hard working people. I already have plans to move out of state. I love my home, but cannot expect to ever get on my feet in this area with crappy jobs and out of control taxs.
haha, I was joking…I thought it was funny. I am a republican, but that is also funny as of late, really I have no party that represents my veiws, just a bunch of kooks running around. I mean when you have to vote for Nader because you choice is McCan’t I got big problems…
But I’m sure we’ll keep being a blue state, where cuts to bloated social programs and out of control unions just aren’t an option.
I was honestly just laughing at people today at work who were flipping out. The same idiots who keep voting for these union endorsed democrats are the ones crying now. If it weren’t costing me so much money it would almost be worth it just to say I fucking told you so.