GoodGuyBadGuy Suggestion

I’ve got a suggestion for the goodguy/badguy forum section.

When you look at that forum, it seems that certain people just have the majority of posts in regards to. Wouldn’t it be easier to maybe make a file the first time that person has sold something, and then each and every subsequent transaction that person has with someone, someone can add it to the users “file”.

It would clean the forum up a lot and also cut down on the pages of useless posts by parties not involved directly in the transactions.

Just an idea I guess. If it’s even possible.

I agree thats a good idea.

I was thinking that, but you know what, while it would make sense, people are lazy and like to see a lot of threads about a person.

Know what is more annoying though, the 20 comments in a goodguy thread that just say tup or some other meaningless comment, and many of the people have had no transactions or anything. Plus, having a file list will make it easier to actually find specific sellers threads in the list.

And in reality, it will take less clicks to get to the information you want to get to because you won’t have to scour numerous threads to get the same info.