Google 100, Microsoft 0


Read this earlier today, and to be honest I think it is BS. I really like google but I think this is wrong. The only difference between vista’s live search and OSX’s spotlight is the fact that Microsoft has more marketshare.


Sweet, attack the only worthwhile feature on Vista :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree with Chino. It’s kinda stupid to attack MS on this and not Apple as well since to the best of my knowledge you can’t change the desktop search software on that system either. Maybe I’m forgetting a setting though.

all i know is, i love spotlight


all i know is, i love spotlight


exactly my point… i do too, and i love live search in vista, really bad judgement IMO

Meh, kinda dumb if you ask me. Who uses that google crap anyways haha.

Its just skynet trying to get access to all your files.


all i know is, i love spotlight


quicksilver > spotlight