Google buys Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion



That’s big dollars and a 63% premium… but i guess Google has too much money anyways.

They say this is to boost their patent library by taking on Motorola’s since it has a ton. Partially in reaction to Apple, RIM and MS teaming up to block google from the Nortel Patents.

Forward integration causes potential conflict with Android users but i guess it’s not like anyone would switch into Microsoft’s OS since it sucks and they’ve laid their bed with Nokia’s sinking ship, or vice versa is more accurate i suppose.

Still awesome to see Google go out and ante-up like this. $12.5B is nothing to them… they pull that nearly every quarter. My understanding is that this was a cash buy too… sweet.

I cant imagine that kind of power/money/ etc

definitely a patent move…i doubt motorola’s product line will change much. They don’t stand to gain anything by giving any more preference to moto than they already do.

Motorola primarily makes Android phones (then again who doesn’t). Motorola makes a solid phone too, maybe they’ll get all Google’s flagship phones. Probably not big dollars for google.

They’ve already stated that nexus devices will continue to be a competition and open to all manufacturers

All about the patents. Motorola has been around a LONG time in the phone game and has an impressive portfolio.

Don’t expect Google to drop the ‘M’ logo and start putting a ‘G’ on their phones… at least not given the current market.

Great comment from another site:

Google, you’re doing it wrong. Everyone knows you never marry one of your hoes. Especially the one making the least money, no matter how good her “assets” are.


but i guess its big enough news to have its own thread :wink:

im really surprised at the premium they paid… probably for a quick sale?

Microsoft was eying it.

Motorolla was the original and still is the biggest manufacturer of the original Droid phones. Their CEO something Jha has very close affilaitions with Verizon whom Google wants to bed also.
two moth old artocle cited 9 devices running Apple ios vs 119 running Android. Google is trying to dominate a new battlefield in electronic devices.

google is already very much in bed with vzw

lol like your title.
I’m at Cisco. They made a failed bid at handhelds recently.

i wouldnt be surprised if they off-shoot the manufacturing to samsung or another hardware partner. Correct me if i’m wrong but Google has no major manufacturing operations and keeping the manufacturing division would drive down margins as well as compete with large clients.

they’re probably outsource the Nexus phones to that manufacturing partner and lock up long term biz in doing so.

nokia and RIM shares up big on account of the premium paid for Motorola. Microsoft could pay cash for either without denting the bank account at all.

Highly doubt any of this.

They stated pretty clearly that their intentions are that Motorola continues to operate as it’s own company with no real changes.

just read that motorola is the largeest producer / provider of cable-TV boxes in the world… this unit was included in Motorola Mobility… now acquired by google

All I can say is Google Tv

google tv has thus far been a flop, based on the network’s inability to cooperate with what their viewers want. I’d love to see them push some better software to the devices, though.

before or after they bought motorola? Just a thought.

When they announced it…It’s essential for keeping Android “open”. It’s their biggest tool to spark innovation and competition. Would be absolutely retarded if they stopped the Nexus program.

Not sure if that link will work. I’m on my BB.

Others speculating the sale of the phone unit