google gas pumps :bowdown:


nice, makes me wonder if i needed the $2500 navigation now…


thats pretty awesome.

Sometime I wish I could fast forward about 20 years to see what kind of shit we’ll have. or even 100 years.

that is Ffin sweet.

ill do it for you.

fastforwarding sounds

Google runs everything! gas stations, phone services, local law enforcement, etc. i <3 teh google.


naw with this u still have to print out paper with this., NAV> this scheme.


This will piss people off waiting for a pump to use, why wouldnt they just put a kiosk inside the station or something

Map > x

good call. Most of the time pumps aren’t that busy. but during rush hour and in the morning, there’s usually lines and that would be a hassle.

Although, %95 of the people at gas pumps usually know exactly where the fuck they are.

“the savior of lost men everywhere” lol

neat concept, i dont really see a point for it though. Not around here, anyway. thats like those refrigerators that have the LCD TVs in them…neat idea, not really sure it would be something that I’d use.